Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Modeling behavior and experimental testing of manufacturing systems (17.ZRD18A)

Native organizations units: Department of Production Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Mašine alatke, tehnološki sistemi i automatizacija postupaka projektovanja
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Knowledge acquiring in the field of behaviour modelling and experimental testing of vital elements and working systems in the whole. Virtual reality application in designing and working systems exploitation.

Educational outcome:

Knowing contemporary working systems from the point of view of designing and exploitation. Opportunities and methods of modelling and experimental testing of their vital components, especially from the standpoint of safety and health at work.

Course content:

Working systems – assignments assigned to them.. Main characteristics of working systems. Geometrical characteristics – accuracy. Contemporary testing of geometrical accuracy and positioning accuracy. Modelling and experimental testing of physical phenomena following slow translation. Exploitation characteristics – accuracy and impact on it. Contemporary approach to behaviour modelling and experimental testing of working systems and their vital components under impact of static and dynamic load during heat treatment. Testing the aspect of safety at work. Noise of working systems as a indicator of their quality. Experimental testing with the aim of locating noise source. Methods of decreasing share of acoustic energy. Computational modelling of working systems behaviour by utilization of virtual reality techniques (development of virtual prototype of working systems and its testing to the safety at work).

Teaching methods:

Lectures, independent study and research work, consultations. Lectures are held in combined way. Theoretical part is presented in lectures and it is followed by appropriate exampled contributing easier understanding of the subject content. Students expand knowledge through study and research work, studying of scientific journals and other literature. In cooperation with professor, student is enabled ot independently write scientific papers.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Tlusty, J. Manufacturing Processes and Equipment 2000 Prentice Hall, New Jersey English
Grupa autora Fleksibilni tehnološki sistemi za izradu rotacionih izradaka. Knj.1 1988 Fakuktet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Borojev, Lj. Prilog razvoju metodologije projektovanja savremenih mašina alatki na bazi eksperimentalnog... - doktorska disertacija 1994 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Zienkiewicz,O.,C., Taylor,R.,L. The finite element method, Fifth edition, Volume 3 2000 Butterworth-Heinemann, Linacre House, Jordan Hill English
Zienkiewicz,O.,C., Taylor,R.,L. The finite element method, Fifth edition, Volume 1 2000 Butterworth-Heinemann, Linacre House, Jordan Hill English
Zeljković, M. Sistem za automatizovano projektovanje i predikciju ponašanja sklopa glavnog vretena mašina alatki 1996 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Zienkiewicz,O.,C., Taylor,R.,L. The finite element method, Fifth edition, Volume 2 2000 Butterworth-Heinemann, Linacre House, Jordan Hill English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 60.00
Term paper Yes Yes 40.00
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prof. dr Antić Aco

Full Professor

Study research work
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prof. dr Antić Aco

Full Professor

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prof. dr Živković Aleksandar

Full Professor

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prof. dr Živković Aleksandar

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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