Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Physical and chemical parameters of the working environment (17.ZR222)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Environment Protection Engineering

Acquiring knowledge in the field of identification of chemical and physical parameters of the working environment. Introducing students with methodologies for sampling and measuring of working environment parameters. Introduction to the methods of preparation and analysis of the parameters of the working environment.

After completing the course and pass the exam, students will be able to: - Identify significant physical and chemical parameters of specific working environments; - independently select methodologies for sampling and recording of working environment parameters; - recognize the appropriate method of preparation and analysis of the parameters of the working environment.

Physical and chemical parameters of the working environment (temperature, humidity, pressure, noise, vibrations, lighting, number of sub-divided particles in the workplace, chemical damage). Sources of physical harm in the working environment. Sources of chemical pollution in the working environment. Diagnostics of the state of the working environment. Ambient conditions: microclimate parameters (pressure, temperature, humidity). Methods of sampling and recording of physical and chemical parameters of the working environment. Instrumental methods for analyzing the physical and chemical parameters of the working environment.

Lectures and laboratory exercises. Consultations. In order to collect pre-examination points during the semester, students are obliged to attend lectures and laboratory exercises and to pass two tests. After successfully completing the pre- examination obligations, students are entitled to take the exam. The exam consists of the written and mandatory oral part. During the semester students can pass the written part of the exam through two colloquiums. Colloquiums, as one of the forms of knowledge test, consist of theoretical and computational work and are written. If the student does not pass the written part of the exam through the form of a colloquium, the student enters the written part of the exam which covers the materials of the entire semester. The overall assessment of the exam is formed by summing up the number of points obtained from pre-examination obligations, colloquia, ie the written part of the exam and the number of points scored in the oral part of the exam.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Phillip Carson, Clive Mumford Hazardous Chemicals Handbook 2002 CRC Press English
M.F. Fulekar Industrial hygiene and chemical safety 2006 I.K. International Publishing House English
Mohammad Farhat Ali, Bassam M. El Ali, James G. Speight Handbook of Industrial Chemistry: Organic Chemicals 2005 McGraw-Hill Education English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 40.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
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Assoc. Prof. Mihajlović Ivana

Associate Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Petrović Maja

Associate Professor

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Asistent sa doktoratom dr Živančev Nevena

Assistant with PhD

Laboratory classes

Research Associate Marinković Tijana

Research Associate

Laboratory classes
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Assistant with PhD Novaković Mladenka

Assistant with PhD

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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