Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Methods of instrumental analysis in environmental protection (17.Z570A)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Environment Protection Engineering
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

- To provide knowledge to environmental engineering students on instrumental methods for pollutants analysis in the air and water: AAS, UV/VIS, HPLC/DAD, GC/MS - To provide students knowledge on the principles of sample preparation techniques - To develop students skills for sample preparation and appropriate instrumental method usage - To develop knowledge and skills in statistical processing of analytical data - To provide students knowledge on the quality control of pollutant analysis

Educational outcome:

Students should be able to: - Select and implement the appropriate instrumental method of pollutants analysis in the air and water - Select and use the appropriate sample preparation technique - Evaluate analytical results by one of the statistical softwares (eg Excel), - Make written report on the analytical results - Implement the quality control of the obtained analytical results

Course content:

Methodology in instrumental analysis and quality control. Organization and functioning of the reference and accredited laboratories. Methods of air and water sampling and extraction of inorganic and organic pollutants. Determination of inorganic pollutants in the air and water by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and ultraviolet - visible spectroscopy (UV/VIS). Gravimetric methods for the determination of suspended particulate matter (PM) in the air. Identification of organic pollutants by gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (HPLC) with different detectors and a combined method of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Interpretation and statistical analysis of measurement results and comparing the results with national and European regulations in environmental protection. The subject consists of experimental laboratory exercises that follow the theoretical fundamentals. Student independently presents the results of the exercises in the form of a report. Laboratory exercises: Determination of metal cations in water samples by atomic absorption spectrometry. Determination of ozone, ammonia, nitrogen and sulfur oxides in air samples using ultraviolet - visible spectroscopy. Determination of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and phosphorus concentrations in water samples using ultraviolet - visible spectroscopy. Identification of organic pollutants by GC-MS. Identification of organic pollutants by liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD) by remote work in the Laboratory via the web: WARIAL. Statistical analysis of the results and writing laboratory reports.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, interactive sessions, consultations and experimental laboratory exercises. During the semester, students are required to attend lectures and exercises, and to present experimental results of laboratory exercises in the form of reports. After successfully completed pre-exam requirements, students take to the final exam consisting of two parts: written and oral. The written exam can be taken in the form of two tests.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Mudakavi, J.R. Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control and Analysis 2010 I.K. international Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi English
I. Mihajlović Elеktrоnski nаstаvni mаtеriјаli rаzviјеni u оkviru ERASMUS+ „NETCHEM“ prојеktа, Poređenje ekstrakcionih tehnika (SPE i LLE) 2019 http://mdl.netchem.ac.rs/course/view.php?id=24 Serbian language
Ј. Мišоvić, Т. Аst Instrumеntаlnе mеtоdе hеmiјskе аnаlizе 1994 TMF Bеоgrаd Serbian language
D.A. Skoog, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch Principles of Instrumental Analysis (6th Edition) 2007 Thomson Brooks/Cole English
F. Rouessac, A. Rouessac Chemical Analysis: Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques 2007 John Wiley & Sons English
М. Тоdоrоvić, P. Đurđеvić, V. Аntоniјеvić Оptičkе mеtоdе instrumеntаlnе аnаlizе 1997 Hеmiјski fаkultеt, Bеоgrаd Serbian language
S. Milosavljevic Strukturne instrumentalne metode 1996 Hemijski fakultet, Beograd Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 40.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Laboratory exercise defence Yes Yes 20.00
Laboratory exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00

Istraživač saradnik Dmitrašinović Sonja

Research Associate

Laboratory classes
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vanr. prof. dr Mihajlović Ivana

Associate Professor

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Asistent - dr nauka dr Novaković Mladenka

Assistant with PhD

Laboratory classes
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vanr. prof. dr Petrović Maja

Associate Professor


Naučni saradnik Obrovski Boris

Science Associate

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.