Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Environmental Sociology (17.Z310B)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Sociology
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Competence of students to understand the social importance of harmony between nature, man and society, social aspects of ecological crisis, and ways and means of solving environmental problems in order to give fuller contribution to creating a humane society.

Educational outcome:

The acquisition of sociological knowledge about the social causes of environmental pollution in modern society, the degree and dimensions of pollution, as well as theoretical and institutional forms of solving the ecological crisis, including research processes and research methods of environmental problems.

Course content:

Natural and social environment: man as a natural and social being, the elements of man`s environment, quality of life and environmental quality. Development of society and quality of the environment: the environment in agricultural, industrial and information society. Environmental risks and modern society: the external and produced risks. Social aspects of environmental crisis of modern society: the nature of pollution, pollution of working environment (the alienation of labor and technical risks), pollution of social environment (the alienation of people from life and society, consumerist culture, false values). Social causes of environmental crisis: technology development, urban development, industrialization, the nature of economic and social systems, population growth, value system, consumption, globalization. Globalization and ecology: global society as a society of produced risk, globalization and environmental inequalities in the world. Theoretical understanding of the ways of solving the ecological crisis: the limits of growth, demographic transition, sustainable development, international legal environment, ecological modernization, eco-efficiency, eco-centralization. Ecological consciousness and culture: elements, factors and levels of development of environmental awareness and culture. Ecological policy: objectives, principles and ecological policy factors. Ecological movements: the objectives, principles and how ecological movements react. Ecological ethic: norms, practices, sanctions. Research in environmental issues: development of a theoretical hypothetical framework, determination of sample, research methods, implementation of research, analysis of results.

Teaching methods:

Classes are held in the form of lectures and students` participation in the discussion focused on the problems exposed, as well as seminar papers elaboration, and seminar paper presentation, including students` discussions regarding seminar paper problems.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Ponting, K. Ekološka istorija sveta : životna sredina i propast velikih civilizacija 2009 Odiseja, Beograd Serbian language
Riley Dunlap Sociological Theory and the Enviroment 2002 Rowman & Littlefield English
Paul Brown Global Warming:Can Civiliazation Survive 1996 Bladford English
John Hannigan Enviromental Sociology: A Social Constructionist Perspective 2006 Routledge English
Grul,. H. Jedna planeta je opljačkana 1985 Beograd Serbian language
Entoni Gidens Sociologija 2003 Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd Serbian language
Alan Irwin Sociology and the Enviroment: A Critical Introduction to Society, Nature and Knowledge 2001 John Wiley & Sons English
Bek, U. Rizično društvo. 2001 Filip Višnjić, Beograd Serbian language
G. Tyler Miller Living in the Environment: Principies, Connections and Solutions 2000 Brooks, Cole English
Ljubinko Pušić Sociologija okruženja 2014 Mediterran Publishing Serbian language
Entoni Gidens Klimatske promene i politika 2010 Clio Beograd Serbian language
Michael Redclift The International Handbook of Enviromental Sociology 2010 Edward Elgar Publishing English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00

vanr. prof. dr Pejić Sonja

Associate Professor

Practical classes

vanr. prof. dr Pejić Sonja

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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