Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Energy and environment (17.Z105A)

Native organizations units: Department of Environmental Engineering and Occupational Safety and Health
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Environment Protection Engineering
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Introducing students to conventional power plants and their impact on the environment, as well as the basic principles of environmental pollution conditioned by energy transformations. The aim is to enable students to identify potential contamination in conventional plants for energy transformation and to select a protection system. Furthermore, the goal is, while getting the students familiar with the conventional resources, to develop awareness of the importance of non-conventional and alternative energy resources. This knowledge is the basis for further successful studies, reading professional literature, as well as an understanding of some of the biggest environmental problems, which are related to conventional energy resources and energy efficiency.

Educational outcome:

Knowledge gained from the issues energy exploitation and environmental pollution. Ability to identify potential sources of pollution in specific systems of energy transformation, and the ability to select an adequate system for the reduction and prevention of pollution.

Course content:

Theoretical study introductory definitions (concept and types of energy, usable energy, natural 'energy; energy resources, energy and the environment, the role of energy in the functioning of the biological, social and industrial systems). Energy polluters of the environment (general definitions about energetic conventional pollutants, thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants in the industry, transportation, urban areas). Thermal load of environment (thermal load of the atmosphere; thermal load of waterways; diffusion thermal load). Radiation-load of environment (types of radiation, the impact of nuclear power on the environment, radioactive waste, the principles of nuclear radiation protection, accidents in nuclear power plants). Practical classes (exercises): Exercises are carried out as a field or as a visit to the plants in which there are various systems for energy transformation. Practical classes (computational exercises): Exercises accompany thematic units covered in the theoretical teaching, so that students are familiar with computational exercises of power plants and their impact on the environment, which greatly complements the theoretical material.

Teaching methods:

Lectures. Computational exercises. Auditory exercises. Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Đonlagić, M. Energija i okolina 2005 PrintCom, Tuzla Serbian language
Peter E Hodgson Energy, the Environment and Climate Change 2010 Imperial College Press, London English
José Goldemberg, Oswaldo Lucon Energy, Environment and Development 1996 Earthscan, Bristol, UK English
John Tabak Energy and the Environment: Coal and Oil 2009 Facts On File, Inc., New York English
Dragana Štrbac, Branka Gvozdenac – Urošević, Zorica Mirosavljević Energija i okruženje - skripta 2011 Departman za inženjerstvo zaštite životne sredine i zaštite na radu, FTN, Novi Sad, skripta, interno izdanje Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00

Istraživač saradnik Dmitrašinović Sonja

Research Associate

Practical classes

Istraživač saradnik Ćojbašić Sanja

Research Associate

Practical classes
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prof. dr Đatkov Đorđe

Full Professor

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Asistent - dr nauka dr Mirosavljević Zorica

Assistant with PhD

Practical classes
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prof. dr Štrbac Dragana

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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