Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Flood Defence Measures (17.URZP59)

Native organizations units: Department of Civil Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Hydrotechnics
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

The educational course objective is to introduce students to the causes of the extreme flood phenomena, to the genesis of the flooding wave, as well as to the possible consequences in regards to assets and human life. Besides that, the objective is to introduce students to the methodology and measures of flood defense.

Educational outcome:

After the passed examination students will be able to plan and predict possible risks concerning assets and population, vulnerability and endangerment of people, and to formulate, define and plan measures of protection and rescue of people and assets in the case of big floods.

Course content:

Causes of flood formation. Classification of floods to internal and external waters. Passive and active flood defense measures. Basic elements of defensive facilities (accumulation, dams, embankments, river bank walls, raster channels). Determining return period for building defensive facilities. Stationary and mobile equipment for flood protection. Transformation of the flooding wave. Flood defense regulations. Regular and exceptional defense. The role of the first and second defensive line. Causes of embankment and dam destruction. Monitoring and carrying out measures for prevention of defense facility destruction. Measures undertaken in cases of accidental situations caused by dam and embankment destruction. Determining the shortest time necessary for evacuation due to embankment and other defensive facility penetration. Remediation of extreme flooding consequences and those of urban and agricultural surfaces.

Teaching methods:

The course is held through auditory lectures followed by slides and auditory practice which further elaborates certain problem solutions. Both lectures and practice are followed by a great number of examples from the practice. Besides that, lecturers of the visiting representatives from some institutions and companies are planed, and also visits to the institutions and companies typical for the lectured field.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Kolaković, S. Vode Vojvodine : neki aspekti funkcionalnosti sisitema za zaštitu od spoljnih i unutrašnjih voda na području Vojvodine 2003 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Rezniček Karlo Odbrana od poplava 1989 Građevinski fakultet u Subotici Serbian language
Kolaković, S., Trajković, S., Nikolić, A., Pakai, M. Akcioni planovi za održivu odbranu od poplava 2005 Nauka+Praksa 8, Građ. fakultet u Nišu Serbian language
Kuspilić Neven Hidrotehnički objekti – građevine za odbranu od poplava 2008 Građevinski fakultet u Zagrebu Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00

prof. dr Budinski Ljubomir

Full Professor


Asistent sa doktoratom Stipić Danilo

Assistant with PhD

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.