Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: The Role and Importance of Rescue Team Readiness in Emergency Response (17.URZP25)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Upravljanje rizikom od katastrofalnih događaja i požara

The course aims to provide advanced academic knowledge about the role and importance of rescue team readiness in emergency situations. It focuses on gaining basic knowledge for making quality decisions regarding activities necessary to improve the preparedness of rescue teams in emergencies. This is directly related to enhancing emergency response and increasing public safety while reducing the consequences of catastrophic events.

Students will be equipped to solve specific problems related to improving the readiness of rescue units. They will master methods, procedures, and processes for applying acquired knowledge in disaster risk management, as well as safety and health for civilians and rescue units in emergency situations. Skills and abilities will be developed to improve the safety and readiness of rescue units. Students will also develop critical and self-critical thinking approaches when addressing problems related to the efficiency of rescue units and their reactions during emergencies, focusing on improving operational efficiency during interventions.

Rescue teams – basic concepts, classification, and characteristics. Methods for assessing the safety of rescue teams. Methods for assessing the readiness of rescue units in emergencies. Methods for increasing readiness. Education as a preventive measure in the safety system. Physical and mental preparation as preventive measures in the safety system.

Lectures, Auditory Practice and Consultations

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Gary Liguori ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription, 11th Edition 2024 American College of Sports Medicine English
John Norman Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics 5th Edition 2019 Fire Engineering Books; 5th edition English
Brent A. Alvar, Katie Sell, Patricia A. Deuster NSCA’s essentials of tactical strength and conditioning 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association English
International Association of Fire Fighters Candidate Physical Ability Test 2007 International Association of Fire Fighters English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Završni ispit No Yes 50.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Test Yes Yes 20.00
Test Yes Yes 20.00

Asst. Prof. Bajić Senka

Assistant Professor


Asst. Prof. Bajić Senka

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


Address: Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21102 Novi Sad

Phone:  (+381) 21 450 810
(+381) 21 6350 413

Fax : (+381) 21 458 133
Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.