Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Safety Aspects in the Built Environment (17.URZP22)

Native organizations units: Department of Civil Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Upravljanje rizikom od katastrofalnih događaja i požara
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

The knowledge of basic characteristics of the built environment (structure, materialization) and urban infrastructure.

Educational outcome:

Acquired theoretical and applied knowledge enables identification of different factors in the built environment from the aspect of applied design solutions and materialization of the objects, as well as consideration of the risk factors concerning urban infrastructure in the case of catastrophic events and fire. Acquired knowledge also enables formulation of suggestion for preventive measures, as well as consideration and characterization of existing solutions of preventive protection of the objects and infrastructure in the case of catastrophic events and fire.

Course content:

Typology and classification of the construction materials and construction, planning and design of object, with an emphasis on architectural-civil engineering preventive measures of object safety in the conditions of catastrophic events and fire and behavior of construction materials and constructions in fire. Introduction to the basic elements of municipal system and their protection: hydrotechnical systems, water supply systems, drainage and treatment system, flood control system, infrastructure complexes, corridors and facilities, energy system, power supply, power distribution networks, heat supply system, heating systems, gas systems, telephone and cable distribution systems, undeveloped land, underground objects, subways, tunnels, pedestrian passes, underground garages. Case studies – event analysis from the previous period. Analysis of the planed objects – project documentation, analysis of the built objects and consideration of applied conceptual solutions from the aspect of protection against catastrophic events and fire.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, Term papers, presentations, consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Slessor, C. Sustainable architecture and high technology 1997 Thames & Hudson, London English
Mladenović, S., Pavlović, M., Stanojević, D. Korozija i zaštita betona i armiranog betona 2008 Siszam, Beograd Serbian language
Vlahović, M. Geologija u građevinarstvu 2008 Akademska misao, Beograd Serbian language
Krnjetin, S. Graditeljstvo i zaštita životne sredine 2001 Prometej, Novi Sad Serbian language
Buchanan, A.H. Structural Design for Fire Safety 2006 John Wiley & sons, LTD, England English
Brennecke, W. end al. Atlas krovnih konstrukcija : kosi krovovi 1990 Građevinska knjiga, Beograd English
M. David Egan Građevinske konstrukcije i požar 1990 Građevinska knjiga, Beograd Serbian language
Wines, J. Green architecture 2000 Benedict Taschen Verlag GmbH, Koln English
Steve Curwell, Bob Fox, Morris Greenberg, Chris March Hazardous building materials – a guide to the selection of environmetally responsible alternatives 2002 Spon press, USA and Canada English
Kreimer, A., Arnold, M., Carlin, A. (ed.) Building Safer Cities: The Future of Disaster Risk Management 2003 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, Washington English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Test Yes Yes 30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Presentation Yes Yes 10.00
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prof. dr Laban Mirjana

Full Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Bulatović Vesna

Associate Professor

Computational classes

Asistent Lazić Cveta

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Asistent Lazić Cveta

Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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vanr. prof. dr Bulatović Vesna

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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