Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Devices and Systems in Fire Protection (17.URZP17)

Native organizations units: Department of Civil Engineering
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Quality, Effectiveness and Logistics
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquiring knowledge and introduction students to the physical properties of the fluid, the behavior of fluids in motion and at rest. Introduction to the components used in fire protection systems. Getting to know the characteristics of pumps, piping, nozzles, fans, compressors.

Educational outcome:

Acquiring knowledge to solve problems in the field of sleep and the flow of liquids and gases (flow of different types of liquids and gases used in fire protection systems, the expansion of the fluid from a liquid to a gaseous state of aggregation), sizing of pressure vessels (tanks and bottles), dimensioning pipelines and determine the current characteristics, determine the performance characteristics of the pump, determining the performance characteristics of the compressor and the fan.

Course content:

Theoretical study General terms. Physical properties of the fluid. Hydrostatic pressure. Fluid statics. Kinematics of fluid. Bernoulli's equation. Pressure vessels. Proper sizing of pressure vessels for fire protection systems. Jets. Fluid flow through the nozzle. Centrifugal pumps. Vacuum pump. Characteristics of pumps. Fans. The characteristics of the fan. Compressors. The characteristics of the compressor. Characteristics of the pipeline. Inputs for the calculation of basic parameters required for the design of pipelines and hydrants. Inputs for the calculation of basic parameters in the design of ventilation systems for smoke and fire in the foam insert space. Inputs for the calculation of basic parameters in the design of systems that work with gas (carbon dioxide, halon, powder). Practical teaching: Practice and the computational simulation showing the components of which are used in fire protection systems. Demonstration practices are organized through visits to relevant organizations and institutions work.

Teaching methods:

Lectures: Lectures are running combined with active participation of students. Leaving the theoretical part is followed by examples which serve to clarify the theoretical part of the curriculum. Consultation. Practical work: based on interactive learning and engineering work on the budget. Visit fire-brigade in Novi Sad and learning about their equipment for fire fighting.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Mihajlović, M., Bogner, M. O dimničarstvu 2013 ETA, Beograd Serbian language
O. Herterich Wasser als Loeschmittel 1960 Dr. Alfred Huthig Verlag Gmbh, Heidelberg German
Sekulić, Z., Bogner, M., Pejović, S. Preventivna zaštita od požara 2012 ETA, Beograd Serbian language
NFPA Američki kodeksi Nacionalnog udruženja za zaštitu od požara 2005 Quincy, MA, USA English
Sekulić, Z., Damnjanović, M., Bogner, M. Instalacije za gašenje požara 2014 ETA, Beograd Serbian language
Sekulić, Z., Bogner, M. Odimljavanje i arhitektura 2011 ETA, Beograd Serbian language
Z. Šmejkal Uređaji, oprema i sredstva za gašenje od požara 1991 SKTH/Kemija u industriji Zagreb, Zagreb Croatian
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 60.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
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prof. dr Jocanović Mitar

Full Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Karanović Velibor

Associate Professor

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doc. dr Orošnjak Marko

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Phone:  (+381) 21 450 810
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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.