Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Study Research Work on theoretical basis of the master thesis (17.URZP02)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Upravljanje rizikom od katastrofalnih događaja i požara
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:


Educational outcome:

The master engineer should improve his / her previously acquired knowledge with knowledge and skills that will enable him to solve the most complex problems. In addition to the knowledge and skills acquired in master studies, students are also trained in research work. They acquire the necessary knowledge from the specific scientific field, methods of scientific research and skills (oral presentations, communication in the group, etc.). Due to the creative approach in the interpretation of others knowledge and experience, scientific contributions can be made. In this way, they gain a better performance in the labor market, and the acquired competences enable them to work in research and development centers and institutes, or in companies that are committed to improving their own work and are opened to new approaches and solutions in the field of organization and management. In this phase student defines the theme, the goal, the methods of research, the literature they will use.

Course content:

It is formed individually in accordance with the needs of the concrete master thesis work, its complexity and structure. The student analyzes professional literature, graduate and master theses of students dealing with similar topics, performs analyzes in order to find a solution of a specific task defined by the master thesis assignment. Part of the course is taught through independent study research. Study work also includes active monitoring of primary knowledge from the thesis topic, organization and performance of experiments, numerical simulations and statistical data processing, writing and or publishing of paper at the conference from the specific scientific-educational area where master thesis belongs.

Teaching methods:

The Mentor for the master thesis prepares the task and delivers it to the student. The student is obliged to work within a given topic defined by master thesis assignment, using the literature proposed by the mentor. During the work on master thesis, the mentor can give additional instructions to the student, refer him to specific literature, and further direct him in order to create a quality master thesis. Within the framework of the study research work, the student conducts consultations with the mentor, and if necessary with other teachers dealing with issues related to the topic of work itself. Within the given topic, the student also performs certain measurements, tests, counts, surveys and other research, statistical processing of data, if it is foreseen by the master thesis assignment.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
grupa autora časopisi, diplomski i master radovi sve Serbian language
grupa autora časopisi sa Kobson liste sve English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.