Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Master Thesis – Elaboration and Defence (17.URZP01)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Upravljanje rizikom od katastrofalnih događaja i požara
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

Acquiring knowledge about the manner, structure and form of writing reports after the performed analyzes and other activities carried out within the given topic of master thesis. By working on their master thesis students acquire the experience of writing papers in which they need to describe the problems, the methods and procedures implemented, as well as obtained results. In addition, the goal of preparing and defending master thesis is that students develop abilities to prepare the results of independent work in a suitable form, publicly present them, as well as to respond to remarks and questions related to the given topic.

Educational outcome:

Training students for systematic approach in solving the given problems, conducting analyzes, applying acquired knowledge and accepting knowledge from other fields in order to find a solution to the given problem. By independent studying and solving tasks in the field of the given topic, students acquire knowledge about the complexity of the problems in the field of their profession. In this phase students gain certain experiences that they can apply in practice when solving problems in the field of their profession. By preparing results for public defense, with public defense and answering on commission’s questions and remarks the student acquires the necessary experience of the way in which the results of independent or collective work should be presented in practice.

Course content:

It is formed individually in accordance with the needs and the area covered by the given topic of master thesis. The student, in agreement with the mentor, prepares master work in written form in accordance with the stipulated rules of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The student prepares and defends written master thesis work publicly in agreement with the mentor and in accordance with the prescribed rules and procedures.

Teaching methods:

During the work on master thesis, the student conducts consultations with the mentor, and if necessary with other teachers dealing with issues related to the topic of work itself. The student finishes master thesis work and after receiving approval from the commission for evaluation and defense, submits it to commission. The defense of the master thesis work is public, and after presentation the student is obliged to verbally respond to asked questions and remarks.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
grupa autora časopisi, diplomski i master radovi drugih autora - Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Writing the master thesis Yes Yes 50.00
Master thesis defence No Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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