Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Contemporary Forms of Urbanisation (17.UP03)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory

The course will analyze current topics related to urbanization in the wider global and also within the local context. The basic goal will be to define adequate approaches to design and revitalization of urban spaces that are in line with the state of the art research.

Students will be able to examine complex processes and forms of urbanization as one of the dominant processes of today, and to develop an active, constructive and critical approach to the design of the built environment.

Global urbanization flows - definitions and numerics; Suburbanization; Transformation of the character and the relationship between the urban and the rural; Globalization, global cities and global flows; World class cities and shrinking cities; New forms of urbanization; Socio-economic and political contexts of urbanization; Local factors and forms of urbanization

Lectures, Design Practice, Consultations, Workshop. The course grade is formed based on the lecture and practice attendance, project grade and oral part of the examination.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Burdett, R & D Sudjic The Endless City 2010 Phaidon, London, New York English
MVRDV Design Peak 2012 Equal Books English
Shekhar Sh., Chawla, S. Spatial Databases: A Tour 2003 Prentice Hall, New Jersey English
Baccini, P., Brunner, P.H. Metabolism of the anthroposphere 2012 MIT Press, Cambridge English
Stimmel, C.L. Building Smart Cities : Analytics, ICT, and Design Thinking 2016 CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Bocen Sound Parkway NW, Suite English
Ng, E. Designing High-Density Cities: For Social & Environmental Sustainability 2010 Earthscan, London, Sterling English
UN Habitat State of the Worlds Cities 2012/2013 2013 Routledge, New York English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 2.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 3.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 65.00

Prof. Vračarić Milica

Full Professor


Assistant - Master Priljeva Sofija

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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