Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Master thessis - research work (17.SIM22)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Projektovanje i ispitivanje mašina i konstrukcija, transportna tehnika i logistika
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Providing a student with basic knowledge, inevitable for self-reliant research activities in the chosen field and completition of his final master-work, by deepening previous accomplishments in the field of his final master-work. Appart from theoretical, also acquiring proficiency in knowledge and skills needed for completion of preparatory and concluding activities during the final master-work carrying through, like: getting an insight into the broader relevant literature, reviewing and analyzing it and forming corresponding excerptions and conclusions, interpretation and verification of experimental data and associating of obtained results with previously acquired knowledge in the chosen field, etc.

Educational outcome:

Obtaining a fully formed student, capable of starting research work, from chosing the treated scientific field, through reviewing previous knowledge and performng research work, to verification of obtained results, completing scientific papers and their presentation to the competent public.

Course content:

Defining the necessary additional knowledge/skills/tutorials/experiments etc, for completion of final master-work. If necessary, getting an insight into the supplementary literature. Acquisition/production/obtaining of equipment needed for experimantal work. Tutorials with corresponding teaching staff. Visits to corresponding institutions/business organizations. Preparing and completing the final master work, correcting and improving it, completion of material for master-work public presentation. Production and publishing papers obtained on the basis of final master-work and knowledge gained during its completion.

Teaching methods:

Self-reliant theoretical work, tutorials, experimental research, contacts and visits to corresponding institutions/business organizations, completion of periodical reports on the finalized parts-integrated entireties of final master-work, etc.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
- Literatura vezana za oblast izabrane teme master rada - -
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Term paper Yes Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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