Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Compilers (17.SE0034)

Native organizations units: Sub-department for Applied Computer Science and Informatics
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Applied Computer Science and Informatics

Introduce students to the principles of compiler, translating concepts (from one programming language to another), the tools for their production and means of implementation. Mastering the compiler making at the beginner level.

Upon successful completion of the course students are familiar with the principles of compiler; they have knowledge of compiling phases and compiling techniques to translate from one language to another; they are capable of using compiler generators and implement scanners, parsers and simple compilers.

The task of the compiler: compile phase, types of programming languages ??and compilers: compilers LL and LR, top down and bottom up compilers, Formal languages: grammar, BNF, and automats, Lexical analysis: scanner generator, regular expressions, syntax analysis, theory parsing, parser generator , error handling, memory management and table of symbols: the organization of memory, the implementation of the symbol table, the range of visibility; Types: engine types and types of checks; Semantic analysis: a description and analysis of the semantics of programming code, types and representations međukoda: syntax tree, postfix notation, a three-address code; Generating code; optimization (among) the code: the basic types of analysis and optimization; interpreter and interpretation međukoda.

Lectures, computer practice, consultations. Out of a total of 100 points, 70 points is achieved during the course, and 30 on the final exam. To pass the exam a student must have at least 55 points.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Complex exercises Yes Yes 25.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Homework Yes No 15.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 25.00

Asst. Prof. Vrbaški Dunja

Assistant Professor


Teaching Associate Vukić Nikola

Teaching Associate

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Samardžić Bojana

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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