Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Out-of-Theatre Performance Design (17.SDI52)

General information:
Category Artistic
Scientific or art field
  • Primenjena umetnost i dizajn u arhitekturi i tehnici
  • Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn

Establishing in-depth knowledge about anticipating, planning, realisation and control of the spectacle in public space. Understanding and appliance of adequate scenic, architectural and technical-technological means in out-of-theatre performance realisation.

Proficient ability of students to understand, analyse and evaluate various types of spectacles in urban space, including ability to apply acquired knowledge in individual or team creative work.

Term and definitions of out-of-theatre spectacle. Types and examples of out-of-theatre spectacles - motives and outcomes. Typology of urban spectacle spaces. City's memory and theatre of memory. Urban scene design - installations in urban space. Spectacle of ceremony. Spectacle of celebrations, festivals and parades. World Fairs. Fun spectacle. Sport spectacle. Political spectacle. City-spectacle.

Lectures, workshop, creative work within a workshop, project.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Scheibert, H. Parades of the Wehrmacht: Berlin 1934-1940 2004 Schiffer Publishing, Ltd English
Hayes Aston, G.; Karamichas, J. (urednici) Olympic Games, Mega-Events and Civil Societies: Globalization, Environment and Resistance 2012 Palgrave, Macmillan, Njujork English
Stevens, Q. The Ludic City: Exploring the potential of public spaces 2007 Routledge, London i Njujork English
Roche, M. Mega-Events and Modernity: Olympics and Expos in the Growth of Global Culture 2000 Routledge, London English
Crinson, M. Urban Memory : History and amnesia in the modern city 2005 Routledge, London English
Kaye, N. Site - Specific Art  : Performance, Place and Documentation 2000 Routledge, London English
Rockwell, D., Mau, B. Spectacle 2006 Phaidon Press, New York English
Kinnear, J. The Red Army on Parade: Volume 1 2018 Canfora Grafisk Form English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projekta No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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Prof. Bošković-Živanović Romana

Redovni profesor iz polja umetnosti

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vanr. prof. dr David Mia

Vanredni profesor iz polja umetnosti


Asst. Prof. Vilotić Dragana

Assistant Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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