Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Out-of-Theatre Performance Design (17.SDI52)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Artistic
Scientific or art field Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

Establishing in-depth knowledge about anticipating, planning, realisation and control of the spectacle in public space. Understanding and appliance of adequate scenic, architectural and technical-technological means in out-of-theatre performance realisation.

Educational outcome:

Proficient ability of students to understand, analyse and evaluate various types of spectacles in urban space, including ability to apply acquired knowledge in individual or team creative work.

Course content:

Term and definitions of out-of-theatre spectacle. Types and examples of out-of-theatre spectacles - motives and outcomes. Typology of urban spectacle spaces. City's memory and theatre of memory. Urban scene design - installations in urban space. Spectacle of ceremony. Spectacle of celebrations, festivals and parades. World Fairs. Fun spectacle. Sport spectacle. Political spectacle. City-spectacle.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, workshop, creative work within a workshop, project.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Rockwell, D., Mau, B. Spectacle 2006 Phaidon Press, New York English
Stevens, Q. The Ludic City: Exploring the potential of public spaces 2007 Routledge, London i Njujork English
Roche, M. Mega-Events and Modernity: Olympics and Expos in the Growth of Global Culture 2000 Routledge, London English
Dragićević-Šešić, M.(ur.); Šentevska, I. (ur.) Urbani spektakl 2000 Clio i Yustat, Beograd Serbian language
Hayes Aston, G.; Karamichas, J. (urednici) Olympic Games, Mega-Events and Civil Societies: Globalization, Environment and Resistance 2012 Palgrave, Macmillan, Njujork English
Crinson, M. Urban Memory : History and amnesia in the modern city 2005 Routledge, London English
Kinnear, J. The Red Army on Parade: Volume 1 2018 Canfora Grafisk Form English
Debor, G. Društvo spektakla 2003 Blok 45, Beograd Serbian language
Scheibert, H. Parades of the Wehrmacht: Berlin 1934-1940 2004 Schiffer Publishing, Ltd English
Kaye, N. Site - Specific Art  : Performance, Place and Documentation 2000 Routledge, London English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projekta No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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David Mia

Vanredni profesor iz polja umetnosti

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Bošković-Živanović Romana

Redovni profesor iz polja umetnosti


Vilotić Dragana

Assistant Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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