Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Performing Arts in Yugoslavia 1918-1990 - Selected Chapters (17.SDI21)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Dramske i audiovizuelne umetnosti u umetnosti u arhitekturi, tehnici i dizajnu

Acquiring in-depth knowledge about various genres and styles of theatre and performing arts in Serbia and ex-Yugoslav countries, including their development, interaction with different world trends in art, as well as their sincretic function and position in overall theatre environment.

Acquiring deep understanding and knowledge of circumstances in which scene design has developed in our cultural environment, as well as preconditions of scene design as part of the director’s authorship and unified concepts of particular scenic projects.

Theatre life in Yugoslav countries prior to and after the union; contributions of the Russian emigration; modernisation and Europeanision; reconstruction after the Second World War; modern realism of the Belgrade Drama Theatre; theatrelism and Bojan Stupica; stylised realism of Mata Milošević; syncretism and Jovan Putnik; Novi Sad theatre directing; theatre absurd and Atelje 212; literature and theatre; Gavela and Zagreb school; Slovenian aesthetics; opera and ballet; operetta and musical; festivals and environmental settings; postmodernism, post drama theatre and deconstruction.

Lectures, discussions, independent research work.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 70.00
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projekta No Yes 30.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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