Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Projects evaluations (17.S0I592)

Native organizations units: Department of Traffic Engineering
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Traffic Planning, Regulation and Safety

Acquisition of new and previously acquired knowledge of the application procedures and evaluation of projects in the field of traffic engineering. Training students to implement the functional, investment, economic and environmental evaluation procedures in the selection of optimal variations of traffic infrastructure.

Training students to use modern tools of engineering analysis in the selection of optimal solutions. Apart from evaluation of functional characteristics, students are trained to analyze the needs and demands of the community concerned, i.e. its bodies or institutions, and the impact of the designed traffic construction on the environment, during the procedure of optimal solution selection. Acquired knowledge is applied in cases of space planning, planning and road design, investment planning and utilization of traffic infrastructure.

The concept, subject and main tasks of functional evaluation. Functional evaluation of traffic conditions on roads, intersections and road facilities. Ecological evaluation and assessment of environmental impact. Economic evaluation. Investment evaluation. Multicriteria evaluation. Application of modern methods of the evaluation.

Lectures, auditory and calculation exercises. This course provides the preparation of the seminar paper. By passing tests, students are released of taking practical-calculation part of the exam.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Ray, A. Cost Benefit Analysis 1984 Johns University Press, London English
Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual 2000 2000 National Research Council, Washington , D.C. English
Adler, H.A. Economic Appraisal of transport projects : a manual with case studies 1987 Johns Hopkins university press, Baltimore English
Katrin Dziekan, Veronique Riedel, Stephanie Muller and others Evaluation 2013 Waxmann, Munster, New York, Munchen, Berlin English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 35.00
Practical part of the exam - tasks No Yes 35.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00

Prof. Bogdanović Vuk

Full Professor


Prof. Ruškić Nenad

Full Professor

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Assistant with PhD Garunović Nemanja

Assistant with PhD

Practical classes

Assoc. Prof. Simeunović Milja

Associate Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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