Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Study-Research Work on the Master Thesis Theoretical Framework (19.RPSIR)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Application of basic, theoretical and methodological, scientific professional and professional applicative knowledge and methods in solving concrete problems within the selected field of specialization. In this segment of research paper, the student investigates a problem, its structure and complexity and, after completed analyses, concludes on possible solving manners. Consulting literature, the student becomes acquainted to methods for solving similar tasks and engineering practice in resolving tasks. The objective of students` activities in this research is observed in acquiring necessary experience through solving complex problems and tasks and recognizing the possibilities for applying previously acquired knowledge in practice.

Educational outcome:

Educating students to individually apply previously acquired knowledge in their field of specialization, in order to observe the structure of the given task and its systematic analysis prior to making conclusions on possible directions towards task realization. In individual literature utilization, students expand their knowledge from the selected specific field and investigate diverse methods and papers dealing with similar problems. In such manner, students develop the ability to perform analyses and identify problems within the given topic. Practical application of the acquired knowledge from diverse fields develops students` ability to observe the place and role of an engineer in the selected specific field, as well as their need for cooperation with other professions and teamwork.

Course content:

It is formed individually in accordance with the demands for elaborating a concrete research paper, its complexity and structure. Students investigate professional literature and research papers written by other students dealing with similar topic, they perform analyses in order to find solutions for a concrete task defined in research paper thesis.

Teaching methods:

The supervisor of the research paper composes the paper thesis and delivers it to the student. The student has the obligation to elaborate the paper within the given topic defined by research paper thesis, utilizing the literature proposed by the supervisor. During research paper elaboration, supervisor can provide additional directions to the student, direct them to certain literature and provide supplementary directions for elaborating a more qualitative research paper. Within the research, the student has tutorials with the supervisor, and if necessary, with other lecturers dealing with problems in the filed of research paper. In elaborating the thesis, students can perform certain measuring, examinations, calculations, surveys and other research, as well as statistic data processing, if it is predicted by research paper task. Students can apply for research paper only if it is connected to the issues of the study programme.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
grupa autora Časopisi, knjige i radovi iz teme specijalističkog rada - - English
grupa autora Časopisi, knjige i radovi iz teme specijalističkog rada - - Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Term paper Yes Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Phone:  (+381) 21 450 810
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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.