Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Metropolitan Regions - Development and Strategies (19.RPR194)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

During the course, the students will be presented with various theoretical and methodological approaches to contemporary researches of urban environment, with the aim of analyzing different complex processes, as well as their overall socio-spatial context, that take place in a particular urban region. The most important topics, such as creation, development and transformation of the metropolitan regions, will be analyzed from a critical standpoint, through investigation of relevant case studies, in order to provide understanding of metropolitan region as specific forms of urban regions.

Educational outcome:

The students who successfully fulfill their responsibilities will be equipped with skills of analytical and critical thinking that they will be able to adapt to specific needs of their scientific research or practical work. In addition, the course will enable them to understand various factors and processes that lead to creation, development and transformation of metropolitan regions, as well as to develop their own critical standpoint regarding these issues in future theoretical and/or practical work.

Course content:

- Transformation processes of modern cities - the wider context; - modern concept of what is “urban”; - contemporary theories on urban growth and development; - specific processes in the development of metropolitan region - a critical analysis; - networks of metropolitan regions and interaction on a global scale; - spatial parameters as the key factors of urban transformation - theoretical and practical considerations.

Teaching methods:

- Method of critical analysis; - illustrative-demonstrative methods; - methods of synthesis of acquired knowledge; - interaction between participants in the learning process.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
UN Habitat State of the Worlds Cities 2012/2013 2013 Routledge, New York English
Sassen S. A Sociology of Globalization 2007 W.W.Norton & Company, New York, London English
Group of autors Cityedge : Case Studies in Contemporary Urbanism 2005 Architectural Press, Oxford English
Mamford, L. Kultura gradova 2010 Mediterran Publishing Serbian language
Kasteks, Ž., Depol, Ž., Penre, F. Urbane forme 2003 Građevinska knjiga, Beograd Serbian language
LeGates R., Stout F. The City Reader 2011 Routledge, London, New York English
Moss, L. (ed.) City and Country 2001 Blackwell Publishers, Oxford English
Jovanović, M. Međuzavisnost koncepta urbanog razvoja i saobraćajne strategije velikog grada 2005 Geografski fakultet Univerziteta, Beograd Serbian language
Eckardt, F., Hassenpflug, D. (eds.) Urbanism and Globalisation 2004 Peter Lang English
van Susteren A. Metropolitan World Atlas 2007 010 Publishers, Rotterdam English
Birch, Eugenie L. Urban and Regional Planning Reader 2009 Routledge, London, New York English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 2.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 3.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 65.00

Asistent Medenica-Todorović Ranka

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

doc. dr Carević-Tomić Marina

Assistant Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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