Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Sustainable Regional Development and EU Policies (19.RPR191)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

The course objective is for students to be introduced to various approaches of and concepts for sustainable spatial planning and regional development, with Europe as its main focus of interest. The main segment of the course is the insight into the history of planning, as well as the presentation of current projects. Furthermore, the course covers EU-Regional Policies and new concepts, such as New Urbanism, New Regionalism, and the like.

Educational outcome:

Enabling students to acquire and master knowledge on sustainability issues in regional development and planning, then to analyze diverse concepts of spatial development, as well as to generate new knowledge through practical application and interactive discussions.

Course content:

Sustainable development as a paradigm Planning approaches: - from economy based planning to physical, spatial and communication-oriented, participatory planning, strategic and sustainable planning Framework and perspectives Instruments and programs of the EU-structural policies From problem definitions to innovative sustainable urban and regional development case studies Examples of related planning methods

Teaching methods:

- Attendance in face-to-face sessions - Participation in group work - Successful e-assignments - One obligatory final multiple choice test (e-learning)

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Krnjac, M. Realizacija projekata uz podršku fondova Evropske unije : monografija  2012 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Ponting, K. Ekološka istorija sveta : životna sredina i propast velikih civilizacija 2009 Odiseja, Beograd Serbian language
Bogdanović, R., Stojkov, B. Principi i praksa održivosti u razvoju naselja u Srbiji : deo 2 2000 Udruženje urbanista Srbije, Beograd Serbian language
Hall P. Urban & Regional Planning 1992 Routledge, London English
Sadwick G. A Systems view of planning 1971 Pergamon Press, Oxford English
EIGHTH IFHP International competition for students of architecture and urban : Regional Planning 1997 IFHP, Hague English
Nikolić, S., i dr. Ekološki marketing menadžment : savremena de(kon)strukcija 2017 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Vujošević, V. Sistem gradova i regionalni razvoj Srbije 1989 Izgradnja, Beograd Serbian language
Williams R. European Union Spatial Policy and Planning 1996 Paul Chapman Publishing, London English
Radulović, D. Regionalna politika i regionalni razvoj: Evropska unija 2013 HESPERIAedu Serbian language
Cook P. Theories of Planning and Spatial Development 1984 Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham English
Anderson, J., O’Dowd, L., Wilson, T.M. New Boarders for a Changing Europe. Cross-border Cooperation and Governance 2003 Routledge, New York English
Bogdanović, R., Stojkov, B. Principi i praksa održivosti u razvoju naselja u Srbiji : 1 deo 2000 Udruženje urbanista Srbije, Beograd Serbian language
Zimmermann, F.M., Janschitz, S. (ed.) Regional Policies in Europe. The Knowledge Age: Managing Global, Regional and Local Inderdependencies 2002 Leykam, Graz English
Jarvis, P.J. Ecological Principles and Environmental Issues 2000 Prentice Hall, Harlow English
Adams, N., Alden, J., Harris, N. (Eds.) Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union 2006 Asgate, London English
McDonald J. The European Scene. A Geographic Perspective 1997 Prentice Hall, New Jersey English
Zimmermann, F.M., Janschitz, S. (ed.) Regional Policies in Europe. New Challenges, New Opportunities 2000 Leykam, Graz English
Regional Studies Association Area Development and Policy 2017 Routledge, Abingdon English
Zimmermann, F.M., Janschitz, S. (ed.) Regional Policies in Europe. Soft Features for Innovative Cross-Border Cooperation 2004 Leykam, Graz English
Zimmermann, F.M., Janschitz, S. (ed.) Regional Policies in Europe. Key Opportunities for Regions in the 21st Century 2001 Leykam, Graz English
Roch, I., Petrikova, D. (Eds.) Border-Free River Basins 2005 Road, Bratislava English
Veres, L. (ed.) Danube-Area Cohision 2008 Čikoš Štampa, Subotica English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 50.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00

Asistent Medenica-Todorović Ranka

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

prof. dr Vračarić Milica

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Phone:  (+381) 21 450 810
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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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