Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Energy efficiency of buildings and climatic changes (17.RDI12R)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Upravljanje rizikom od katastrofalnih događaja i požara

Mastering the theoretical knowledge, the advanced methods and techniques of research in the field of energy efficiency in buildings and n reducing the risk of climate change, also. The development of a multidisciplinary approach and the method of research.

Ability for independent research work, with the possibility of conceiving problems, applying and linking acquired knowledge in the subject area with knowledge gained in other fields. Competence in monitoring contemporary achievements, as well as critical analysis, assessment and synthesis of new and complex ideas in the areas of reducing the risks of climate change and energy efficiency in the built environment.

Analysis of the impact of urban-architectural performances on the energy efficiency of buildings. Methodologies of energy consumption calculation for providing basic comfort conditions in buildings (thermal, light, sound, air quality). Design and construction of low-energy facilities, including passive and "zero energy" buildings. International directives and protocols in the field of energy efficiency, climate changes, environmental protection and risk reduction.

Lectures, consultations. Through lectures, discussions and computer simulations, students' work and their progression are interactively monitored. Mentorship is applied for specific areas in order to enlarge knowledge. Use of modern methods of computer science.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Proske, D. Catalogue of Risks Natural, Technical, Social and Health Risks 2008 Springer, Berlin English
Ulrich Knaack, Tillman Klein, Marcel Bilow and Thomas Auer Façades – Principles of Construction 2007 Birkhäuser English
John Straube and Eric Burnett Building Science for Building Enclosures 2015 Building Science Press Inc. English
Radonjanin Vlastimir, Mirjana Malešev Građevinski materijali za spoljni omotač zgrada 2011 Predmetni nastavnici English
Roxanna McDonald Introduction to Natural and Man-made Disasters and their Effects on Buildings 2003 Architectural Press English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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Assoc. Prof. Lukić Ivan

Associate Professor

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Asst. Prof. Draganić Suzana

Assistant Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Lukić Ivan

Associate Professor

Study research work
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Asst. Prof. Draganić Suzana

Assistant Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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