Faculty of Technical Sciences


Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Upravljanje rizikom od katastrofalnih događaja i požara
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

The objective of the course is to acquire the comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary for the effective, professional, responsible, legal and ethical use of the media in risk prevention, the enhancement of personal, corporate and social security and the acquisition of the necessary knowledge to establish optimal crisis communication through the media at all stages of the crisis, in the post-crisis period and in the prevention phase.

Educational outcome:

Acquiring knowledge and competences will enable students to practice the use of mass media in situations of social crises and conflicts, which differ from their actions in the normal circumstances. They will also be trained for quality use of media in risk prevention, as well as communication with modern media systems in conditions of endangered safety of people, facilities and the environment.

Course content:

Media in the context of media-communication theories and the media environment. Media and basic characteristics of the media process - the social dimension of the media. The influence of the media on the public - analysis of different theoretical approaches. The notion and types of crises and their internal and external reach. The specifics of the behavior of the media in social conflicts and crises, as the state of social interactions open to antagonisms. Media and Creating a Conflict and Crisis Ambience. Society interests and media interests - mediocentric and sociocentric approach. Determining the media appeal of a conflict. Media presentation of social conflicts. Characteristics of media forms in the presentation of risky crisis situations. Domestic and foreign audiences in the context of crisis communication. Media as a factor in eliminating the consequences of the crisis. Risk prevention through communication with the media. Methods of communication with the media during the post-crisis period. The role of professionals in public relations to help corporate, non-profit and government institutions, organizations and individuals manage optimal use of mass media in crisis communication conditions. Social responsibility of the media, rights and obligations of the media, media codes.

Teaching methods:

Teaching will be realized through lectures, panel discussions, discussions, consultations, essays and seminar work.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Coombs, W. T. Crisis Communication and Its Allied Fields. The Handbook of Crisis Communication 2010 Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, English
M. Regester, M., Larkin, Risk Issues and Crisis Managementt: A Casebook of best practice (3rd edition) 2005 Kogan Page, London English
Kostić, B. Media management in latent phase of social conflicts.XIV International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems 2008 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Austin, L., Fisher, B., Yan J. How audiences seek out crisis information: Exploring the social‐ mediated crisis communication model 2012 Journal of Applied Communication Research 40(2) English
Reilly, P., Atanasova, D. A strategy for communication between key agencies and members of the public during crisis situations 2016 EC FP7 CascEff Project, European Commission FP7 English
Schwarz, A., Seeger, M. W., Auer, C. The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research 2016 Wiley-Blackwell English
Haddow, G, Haddow, K. Disaster Communications in a Changing Media World, 2nd Edition 2014 Butterworth-Heinemann English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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doc. dr Šiđanin Iva

Assistant Professor

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doc. dr Šiđanin Iva

Assistant Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.