Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Modelling and Simulation of Metal Cutting Process (17.P1505)

Native organizations units: Department of Production Engineering, Chair of Machining
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Processes for Material Removal Processing

Acquiring new knowledge in the field of modelling and simulations of production processes.

Acquired knowledge should enable to develop practical models which are valid for the observed field with limiting conditions, where application of modern software systems characterized the state of the production process at any point in time.

Fundamentals, significance and possibilities of simulation and modelling processes application. Fundamental elements of modelling and simulation. Process of model creation. Model description. Model classification. Model verification. Models state concept. Establishing connections between incoming, outgoing and disturbed process values. Development, type and setting of forming model. The simplification of the actual process or object modeling. Model description through state and limitation functions. Analytical, numerical and computer modelling methods and forming simulations. Practical examples of modelling and simulations.

Lectures are realized interactively through lectures and computer practical classes. In lectures theoretical part is presented with characteristic examples for better understanding of subject content. In computer practical classes, through practical examples, deepening of lectured theory is realized. Apart from lectures and practical classes, consultations are held regularly. Final grade is formed on basis of lectures and practically classes presence, tests and oral exam.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Grzesik W. Advanced Machining Processes of Metallic Materials-Theory, Modelling and Applications 2008 Elsevier Science Ltd English
Cus F. Modeling and optimization of metal cutting 2005 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 40.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00

Assoc. Prof. Savković Borislav

Associate Professor


Assoc. Prof. Savković Borislav

Associate Professor

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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