Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Safety and Health at Work with Load Hoisting Machines (17.MZ201)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Projektovanje i ispitivanje mašina i konstrukcija, transportna tehnika i logistika
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Gaining theoretical and practical knowledge about the load hoisting and transporting machines and safe operation with them.

Educational outcome:

Practical professional skills for conducting the activities concerning safety and health at work with load hoisting and transporting machines in companies or as an authorized person for inspection and checking of working equipment.

Course content:

Terminology used in the occupational health and safety (OHS). Relevant regulations concerning OHS at work with load hoisting and transporting machine (LHTM). Load lifting attachments. Basic characteristics, structure and components of LHTMs: jacks, cranes, elevating and suspended work platforms, industrial trucks. Specific hazards at work with LHTMs. Safety design of machines. Protective measures during utilising LHTMs: intended use, handling, maintenance, repairs. Special protective measures during lifting employees. Specific management issues during implementation of protective measures. Procedures in case of hazardous situations, equipment failure, damages and harms at work. Instructions for use, LHTM documentation. Conducting the inspection and checking of working equipment. Organization and realization of LHTM operator training.

Teaching methods:

Auditory lectures, combined with visual presentations and analyses of practical examples, with interactive participation of students. Practice classes, mostly auditory, combined with teaching films. More complex forms of laboratory classes include individual activities of one or few students under the supervision of a laboratory technician or an assistant. Organized visits to relevant companies.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Petrović M. Dizalice 1968 Zajednica zavoda za zaštitu na radu, Niš Serbian language
Šostakov R., Zelić A., Živanić D. Bezbednost i zaštita na radu sa mašinama unutrašnjeg transporta, (knjiga u pripremi) 2018 FTN Novi Sad Serbian language
Šostakov, R., Brkljač, N. Priručnik za rukovaoce viljuškara 2007 Međunarodna menadžerska akademija, Novi Sad Serbian language
- Relevantna nacionalna i evropska regulativa za bezbednost i zdravlje na radu sa sredstvima unutrašnjeg transporta 2018 Serbian language
Mijajlović R. Dizalice 1994 Gradina, Niš Serbian language
- Autorizovana predavanja predmetnog nastavnika 2018 Serbian language
Oberman, Y. Materials Handling 1988 Mir Publishers English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Presentation Yes Yes 10.00
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 5.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 5.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 5.00
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Asistent Katona Mirko

Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes
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vanr. prof. dr Zelić Atila

Associate Professor

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Asistent Katona Mirko

Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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vanr. prof. dr Zelić Atila

Associate Professor

Practical classes
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vanr. prof. dr Đokić Radomir

Associate Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Zelić Atila

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.