Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Renewable Energy Technologies (17.MPK015)

Native organizations units: Department of Environmental Engineering and Occupational Safety and Health
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Environment Protection Engineering

Acquiring knowledge and training students for further implementation and practical work in the field of energy in domain of renewable energy sources.

The ability to use the acquired knowledge in further education and future engineering practice in the field of renewable energy sources.

Energy and renewable energy sources (the value of energy, renewable energy sources classification, clean technologies). Biomass: biomass characteristics and biomass classification, technologies and systems for biomass utilization (combustion, gasification and pyrolysis), biofuels (biodiesel, biogas). Solar energy: resources, solar technologies (photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal conversion), solar systems (PV stand alone and utility interactive systems; distributed and central receiver systems). Wind energy: resources (wind characteristics), wind energy utilization, choosing location for wind turbines installation, vertical and horizontal axis wind turbines, systems based on wind energy (stand alone and utility interactive systems), technical problems and solutions. Hydro energy: resources, utilization of water power, estimation of available energy, impulse and reaction turbines, hydropower plants as part of electric power system, small hydropower plant. Geothermal energy: types of geothermal sources, resources, technologies and systems for geothermal energy utilization (direct and indirect utilization). Energy storage: primary energy storage (solid, liquid and gaseous fuels), thermal, mechanical, electrical, biological energy storage. Techno-economic analysis of application of renewable energy sources with case studies.

Lectures, auditory and computer exercises, mentoring, consultations. Under the supervision, by using RETScreen software, students are writing student project for the selected topic and defend it in front of colleagues and teacher. The choice of theme is in line with student interest. The final test covers the entire course content presented during the lectures and it is eliminatory. At the final evaluation score affects the term paper, test scores and overall activity during course.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Gvozdenac, D., Nakomčić-Smaragdakis, B., Gvozdenac-Urošević, B. Renewable Energy 2012 Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad English
Tester J., Drake E., Driscoll M., Golay M., Peters W.A. Sustainable Energy 2005 The MIT Press, GB English
Kaltschmitt M., Streicher W.,Wiese A. Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics andEnvironme 2007 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, NewYork English
J. Tester, E. Drake, M. Driscoll, M. Golay Sustainble Energy 2005 The MIT Press, GB English
Dewulf J., Van Langenhove H. Renewables-Based Technology, Sustainability Assessment 2006 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, England English
Kreith F., Goswami Y.D. Handbook of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 2007 CRC press, Taylor & FrancisGroup, LLC, NY English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00

Prof. Nakomčić-Smaragdakis Branka

Full Professor

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Assistant with PhD Mirosavljević Zorica

Assistant with PhD

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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