Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Air Pollution Control (17.M35I22)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Mehanika fluida, hidropneumatska, gasna i naftna tehnika

The objective of the course is to acquire knowledge, competences and academic skills of students about the types of pollutants and the manner of their removal from the gas stream. The course envisages the development of creative abilities and mastering specific practical skills in the field of air pollution control. It is also planned for students to achieve the ability to use information and communication technologies in the field of solving environmental problems, as well as getting acquainted with air pollution control equipment and its characteristics. Training students to independently choose equipment for waste gas treatment.

Ability to solve specific problems in the area of waste gas treatment. Ability for critical and self-critical thinking and approach in solving specific problems in the field of air pollution control. Providing students ability to work with modern measurement techniques, application of the measurement error theory and processing and display measurement results. Development of skills in the field of air pollution control. Students will also be trained in the use of information and communication technologies in the field of air protection.

Air pollution and prevention of pollution. Principles of fluid flow. Particle dynamics in the fluid. Distribution of particles and total efficiency rate of sample. Designing industrial ventilation system. Setting chambers. Inertial devices. Electrostatic precipitators. Wet scrubbers. Filters. Absorption devices.

Teaching is performed with modern didactic means and methods, interactively in the form of lectures, laboratory and computational exercises. In addition to lectures and exercises, consultations are also regularly held. The lectures present the theoretical part of the material accompanied by characteristic examples for easier understanding of the subject matter. Students practically apply acquired knowledge during laboratory exercises by using of available laboratory equipment.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Bethea, R.M. Air pollution Control Technology 1978 Van Nostrand Reinhold company, New York English
Crawford, M. Air Pollution Control Theory 1976 McGraw-Hill, New York English
Coulson, J.M., Richardson, J.F. Chemical Engineering Volume 5 1979 Pergamon Press, Oxford English
Schnelle, K.B., Brown, C.A. Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook 2001 CRC Press, New York English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Practical part of the exam - tasks No Yes 50.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00

Prof. Bukurov Maša

Full Professor


Asst. Prof. Doder Đorđije

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Asst. Prof. Doder Đorđije

Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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