
Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Thermal turbomachinery (17.M35I21)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Termotehnika, termoenergetika i upravljanje energijom

Enabling students to work on: design, engineering, exploitation, engineering and consulting in the field of thermal turbines at the level of the basic engineering.

Basic knowledge about thermal turbines, detailed knowledge about energy transformation processes in degrees, criteria for calculation as well as calculation knowledge of all types of degrees of thermal turbines at the level of basic engineering. The knowledge for calculation of thermodynamic cycles of thermal turbines.

The concept and classification of thermal turbines. Historical development. Fields of knowledge application in thermal turbines. Thermodynamic and Electrical foundations. Characteristics of compressible fluid flow. Expansion and compression without friction in the nozzles. Expansion and compression with friction in the nozzles. Efficiency of expansion and compression in turbines (polytropic, isentropic, isothermal degrees of utilization). Working on scope (classical and aerodynamic method, force, momentum and power on scope, for blades without and with cooling). Utilization degree on the scope of axial degrees: action and reaction – Parson`s, individual and from the group. Comparison of action and Parson`s degrees. Curtis degree. Comparison of degrees with multiple degrees of speed. Axial turbine degree with cooling petals. Utilization degree on the scope of degrees of radial turbines (centrifugal – Ljungstrem and centripetal). Utilization degree on the scope of compressor degrees (for three definitions from the engineering practice). The meaning of degrees of thermal turbines. Losses in the degree (because of vapor humidity, on friction and ventilation, because of partial filling and through fissures). Turbulent flow in the degrees of thermal turbines – simple equation of radial balance. Energy transformation in the cycles of thermal turbines (Joule`s – without cooling and with cooling, Rankin`s and combined Joule –Rankin`s).

The following methods are used: -Verbal, - Visual, -Practical

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Gostelow J. P. Cascade Aerodynamics 1984 Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Toronto English
Horlock J. H. Axial Flow Compressors Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1982 Butterworths, London English
Japikse D. and Baines N. C. Introduction to Turbomachinery 1997 English
Horlock J. H. Axial Flow Turbines: Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1973 Butterworths, London English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 10.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 10.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 10.00
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Prof. Borivoj Stepanov

Full Professor

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Prof. Borivoj Stepanov

Full Professor

Practical classes
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Prof. Borivoj Stepanov

Full Professor

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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