Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Construction of process and heating equipment (17.M3517)

Native organizations units: Department of Energy and Process Engineering
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field
  • Termotehnika, termoenergetika i upravljanje energijom
  • Process Technics

Basic terms and methods of construction in energy and process science will be learned.

Graduating students are prepared to work in a design office, on installations on energy and process equipment and in production of energy and process equipment.

Students are familiarized with the elements of construction and design. Stages of facilities development. Basic laws, regulative and standards in design and construction in energy and process science. Types of projects and the scope individual projects. Tender documentation and the basic contract elements corresponding to development of technical documentation. Specific project elements: project problem, technical description, general and technical conditions, specific elements of construction calculations, graphical representation, study of safety at work. Specific elements of construction calculations: Class of container and apparatus selection, material selection, construction revaluation coefficients, mechanical sizing, sizing the strengthening, sizing the safety equipment, sizing the welding and construction inspection. Montage of energy and process equipment.

Verbal method – visual method – practical method.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Coulson, J.M., Richardson, J.F. Chemical Engineering 1977 Pergamon press, Oxford English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Coloquium exam No No 0.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 60.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 10.00
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Prof. Đaković Damir

Full Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Stepanov Borivoj

Associate Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Stepanov Borivoj

Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Assoc. Prof. Stepanov Borivoj

Associate Professor

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Phone:  (+381) 21 450 810
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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.