Type of studies | Title |
Undergraduate Academic Studies | Technical Mechanics and Technical Design (Year: 4, Semester: Summer) |
Category | Theoretical-methodological |
Scientific or art field |
ECTS | 6 |
Introduction to the classical reviews of the basic phenomena of heat transfer, and introduction to the methods of heat transfer problem solutions in technical practice.
Acquisition of basic knowledge for heat transfer assessment, selection and check of the heat exchangers.
Introduction to heat transfer. Heat conduction. Thermal conductivity coefficient. Stationary heat conduction through a single and multiple planes, cylindrical and spherical wall. Convective heat transfer, natural and forced convection. Heat transfer coefficient. Methods for determining heat transfer coefficient. Theory of similarity. Overall heat transfer through single and multiple plane, cylindrical and spherical walls. Overall heat transfer coefficient. Fins. Heat exchangers. Cocurrent, counterconcurrent and crossflow heat exchangers. Logarithmic mean and arithmetic temperature difference. Sizing of a heat exchanger. NTU method. Heat transfer with phase change. Heat transfer in evaporators and condensers. Radiative heat transfer. Basic laws of heat radiation. Heat transfer in furnaces. Mixed convective and convective heat transfer.
Lectures and Auditory Practice. Auditory practice accompanies lectures and includes high level of student independency in solving problems.
Authors | Title | Year | Publisher | Language |
1977 | English | |||
Kozić, Đ., Vasiljević, B., Bekavac, V. | Priručnik za termodinamiku i prostiranje toplote | 1983 | Građevinska knjiga, Beograd | English |
2002 | English | |||
1985 | English |
Course activity | Pre-examination | Obligations | Number of points |
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory | No | Yes | 70.00 |
Test | Yes | Yes | 10.00 |
Exercise attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Test | Yes | Yes | 10.00 |
Lecture attendance | Yes | Yes | 5.00 |
Associate Professor
Assistant - Master
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