Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Fuel and combustion (17.M3224)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Termotehnika, termoenergetika i upravljanje energijom

Traning for work: constructing, designing, exploitation, engineering and consalting in the field of energy conversion of conventional and non conventional fuels.

Acquiring fundamental knowledge on problems and methodology of solving problems during construction, designing, managing plants (stationary and non stationary in terms of load shift), engineering and consullting of thermal and energy plants.

1. Introduction. Types of fuels. Fundamental definition.2. Fuel and combustion. Combustion phenomenology. Fuels characteristics. 3. Combustion processes thermo dynamics. Fundamentals in transport and chemical kinetics. Chemical reaction mechanisms. 4. Inflammation processes. 5. Laminal flame with previous mixing. Laminal flame without previous miximg. Combustion stability. Burners with previous mixing. 6. Combustion during turbulent flowing. Diffusion flame during free outflow. Diffusion flame during forced outflow. Diffusion burners. 7. Liquide fuels combustion. Burners for liquid fuels. 8. Solid fuels combustion. Specific characteristics. Solid fuels combustion technologies – combustion in layers and space. Special forms of combustion. Waste combustion. 9. Flames and burning place. 10. Economy of burning place systems. Definitions, energy balance, losses, efficiency. 11. Combustion and environment.

Lectures, computer and auditory practical classes, consultations, seminar paper. Visit to industrial plants. The final grade is formed on the basis of achievements in computer practical classes, seminar paper and exam. Alternatively the exam can be taken partialy in two partial examination.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Warnatz J., Maas U., Dibble R.W. Combustion 2000 Springer English
Spalding, B.D. Combustion and Mass Transfer 1979 Pergamon press, Oxford English
Date, A. Analytic Combustion with Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics and Mass Transfer 2011 Cambridge University Press English
J. M. Beer Industrial flames 1972 Edward Arnold, London English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 50.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00

Assoc. Prof. Miljković Biljana

Associate Professor


Assoc. Prof. Miljković Biljana

Associate Professor

Practical classes

Asistent sa doktoratom dr Pilić Vladimir

Assistant with PhD

Laboratory classes

Assoc. Prof. Miljković Biljana

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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