Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Basics of Thermodynamics (17.M3221)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field
  • Process Technics
  • Termotehnika, termoenergetika i upravljanje energijom

Introduction to the structure of thermodynamics, thermodynamics concepts and methods of solving energy conversion problems.

Acquiring basic knowledge in solving technical tasks of thermal power engineering, thermal process engineering and designing thermal machines and plants.

Thermodynamic system and surroundings. Working body. Properties of state. Equilibrium, change of state, process. The zero law of thermodynamics. Ideal gas law. Conservation of energy. The concept of energy. Internal energy. Heat capacity. Mayer's equation. The first law of thermodynamics for a closed and open thermodynamic system. p-v diagram, work, and thermodynamic process in a p-v diagram. Enthalpy. The second law of thermodynamics. Reversible, irreversible and impossible process. Thermodynamic cycle. Properties of state for a thermodynamic cycle. Clockwise thermodynamic cycle. Carnot cycle. Thermal efficiency. The concept of entropy. The mathematical expression of the second principle of thermodynamics. Entropy change of ideal gases. Heat, T-s diagram, and thermodynamic process in the T-s diagram. Counter-clockwise cycles. Entropy change of a thermodynamic system. The second principle of thermodynamics for a cycle. Entropy change of an isolated thermodynamic cycle. The third principle of thermodynamics. Real gases. Determination of properties for real gases. Carnot cycle for real gases. Rankine cycles for water vapor.

Lectures and auditory practice. Practice classes follow the lectures and include the advanced level of students` independence in solving assignments.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Cengel, Y., Boles, M. Thermodynamics : An Engineering Approach 1998 McGrow-Hill, New York English
Berman R. Thermal Conducticity in Solids 1976 Oxford: Clarendon Press English
Parrott J. E. Thermal Conducticity Of Solids 1975 London: Pion Limited English
Muller I. Rational extended thermodynamics 1998 New York: Springer English
Moran, M.J., Shapiro, H.N. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 1995 John Wiley & Sons, New York English
Stoecker W. F. Design of thermal systems 1989 New York: McGraw-Hill, inc English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
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Assoc. Prof. Tomić Mladen

Associate Professor


Assistant - Master Milivojević Nikola

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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