Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Forensic engineering in road traffic (17.M2549)

Native organizations units: Department of Traffic Engineering
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field
  • Traffic Planning, Regulation and Safety
  • Motorna vozila i motori SUS
  • Motorna vozila i motori SUS

Acquiring of basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of road traffic forensic engineering. Mastering the procedures and methods of forensic engineering.

Training of students in the application of engineering knowledge to study adverse events in the road transportation. Mastering the technique of investigation of traces relevant for the analysis of traffic accidents and other adverse events in traffic. Training in the use of modern technical equipment and laboratory investigations in road vehicles forensic engineering.

Forensic Engineering: Role, importance, definitions, applications. Expertise - roles, types, procedures, content and form of reports, legal framework. Traffic accidents: definition and classification. Collectiong of facts and evidence: an investigation, forensic documentation, trace analysis, photogrammetry, measuring instruments and equipment. Analysis and reconstruction of traffic accidents: the basis of impact mechanics, time-space reconstruction of traffic accidents. Computer software for analysis and reconstruction of traffic accidents. Expertise of the vehicles involved in accidents: vehicle inspection, causal analysis of the state of the vehicle systems in the context of vehicle accidents. The analysis of tachograph records. Damage assessment. Expertise in disputes over faults and failures of the vehicles. Identification and authentication of the vehicle data.

Lectures, auditory and laboratory classes.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Van-Kirk, D. Vehicular accident investigation and reconstruction 2001 CRC Press LLC, USA English
Robar, N., Ruotolo, G. Advanced Trafic Accident Investigation 1998 University of North Florida, Jacksoniville English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
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Prof. Ružić Dragan

Full Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Papić Zoran

Full Professor

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Asst. Prof. Galamboš Stjepan

Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Prof. Ružić Dragan

Full Professor

Laboratory classes
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Assoc. Prof. Papić Zoran

Full Professor

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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