Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Theory of Vibrations (17.M2411)

Native organizations units: Chair of Technical Mechanics
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Mechanics
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

To acquire basic knowledge in the theory of oscillation and in the phenomena of oscillatory motion.

Educational outcome:

To acquire knowledge necessary for a modern mechanical engineer.

Course content:

Linear and nonlinear spring. Free oscillations with one degree-of-freedom of motion. Equivalent rigidity. Kinetic and potential energy of the one degree-of-freedom system. Lagrange equations for motion of the one degree-of-freedom system. Riley`s procedure for determining circular frequencies. Curled and transversal oscillations of massive girders. Free oscillations with viscous friction force and sliding force in the one degree-of-freedom system. Forced oscillations in the one-degree-of-freedom system. Forced oscillations under Dirak and Heaviside forces. Kinetic and potential energy of the two degree-of-freedom system. Lagrange motion equations for the two degree system. Integration of the motion equation of the two degree-of-freedom system. Forced oscillations of the two degree-of-freedom system. Resonance. Dynamic buffer. Influence of viscous friction on small oscillations in the two degree-of-freedom system. Definition on the stability of motion. Transversal oscillations of a string. Longitudinal oscillations of a beam. Curled oscillations of a beam. Transversal oscillations of a beam. Critical speeds of elastic shafts. Laval`s paradox.

Teaching methods:

Lectures and practice.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Vujanović, B. Teorija oscilacija 1995 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
I.V. Meščerski Zbirka zadataka iz mehanike 1995 Naučna knjiga Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 10.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 15.00
Coloquium exam No Yes 30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 15.00
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Asistent - dr nauka Berecki Armin

Assistant with PhD

Practical classes
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prof. dr Rakarić Zvonko

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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