Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Introduction to Microprocessor Systems (17.IZOO04)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field
  • Electronics
  • Information-Communication Systems

The goal of the subject is to introduce the students to the basic concepts of hardware and software architecture of microprocessors, the principles of programming in assembly and C programming languages, as well as the ways of interfacing with memory and input/output peripherals.

Upon completing the course, the students will have the knowledge of the principles of the function of contemporary microprocessor-based computer systems and skills which will allow them to implement state-of-the-art software and hardware solutions and system-level software for embedded systems. They will also acquire the skill of programing for the Atmel family of microprocessors.

The course will encompass the following topics: foundations of microprocessor architecture, the architecture of the Atmel AVR family of microprocessors, instruction set, assembly and C programing, program design, hardware model, exception handling, memory and peripherals interfacing, subroutines and performance testing. The theory will be accompanied by the practical training in software implementation for the Atmel AVR microprocessor family, using the Atmel Studio development environment. The labs will be based on a hardware development solution designed specifically for the course.

Lectures and labs, tests and individual assignment (project). The labs will consist of the practical training in software implementation for the Atmel AVR microprocessor family, using the Atmel Studio development environment, assembly and C programing languages. The students will also be taught to test and deploy solutions in hardware. The students’ knowledge of the theory will be evaluated using tests. The individual assignment will consist of the practical implementation of programs of suitable complexity.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Richard Barnett, Larry Cull, Sarah Cox Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR, 2e 2007 DELMAR English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 40.00
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Prof. Sladojević Srđan

Full Professor


Assoc. Prof. Babković Kalman

Associate Professor

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Assistant - Master Šaranović Maša

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Assistant - Master Đorđević Sofija

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Assistant - Master Žuvela Tamara

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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