Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Methods and Tools of Product Engineering Analysis (17.IZOI43)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field
  • Inženjerstvo informacionih sistema
  • Information-Communication Systems

Basic goal of the subject consists in giving of need knowledge to listeners in the field of computer aided engineering analysis of industrial products with using of contemporary software tools for that aims. It provides high level of preparing of students for applying of world-wide famous engineering analysis methods through practical work with different CAE software solutions. In the same time, students can acquire a number of practically applicable knowledge and skills, important for their success in engineer work.

In the result of education on this subject, listeners would to be prepared for successful and high-grade engineering analysis of industrial products and their components by using of geometric models and with applying of dedicated software solutions and tools. During of the course listeners can realize need and enough level of preparation for using of great number specialized software solutions which represent world-wide standards and which are available in correspondent laboratories.

Fundamental terms and explanations. Main streams and working goals in field of computer aided analysis of industrial products and their components. Principles and methods of product structural analysis. Structure of industrial product and methods of its description and presentation. Software solutions for mentioned aims and their characteristics. Fundamentals of development and implementation of software tools purposed for structural analysis. Basic assumptions for mechanical analysis. Finite elements method. Mechanical analysis based on geometric model of part ( product component ). Principles and procedures of static analysis. Dynamic analysis. Modal analysis. Harmonic analysis. Procedures and tools for optimization of part geometry on the base of mechanical analysis. Thermal analysis. Analysis of balance status. Transitional regime analysis. Optimization procedures based on results of thermal analysis.

Teaching on this subject would to be realized through lectures and exercises in the labs. Exercises are predicted exclusive as computer supported. During of the course it is predicted completing of one or more obliged student tasks with need help and consultations with teachers.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Close, C.M., Frederick, D.K., Newell, J.C. Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems 2001 John Wiley & Sons, New York English
Kuang-Hua, C. Product Performance Evaluation Using CAD/CAE 2013 Elsevier English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Project Yes Yes 40.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00

Prof. Anderla Andraš

Full Professor

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Assistant - Master Dukić Valentina

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Assistant - Master Nakomčić Andrea

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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