Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Information Systems Reengineering (17.IZMO02)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Information-Communication Systems
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

The aim of the course is to empower students with knowledge about the legacy information systems, motivs and approaches for their evolution and methods and techniques for information systems reengineering.

Educational outcome:

Upon completing this course successfully, students will understand basic challenges, concepts and motives for legacy information systems evolution. They will be qualified to evaluate available methods, techniques and tools for legacy information system evolution, in a present context, and to make the adequate choice and to efficiently apply chosen methods, techniques and tools in order to improve legacy information system.

Course content:

Notion, classification and characteristics of legacy information systems (LIS). Commercial, business and technological motives for LIS evolution (modernization). LIS modernization approaches: migration, package implementation, re-hosting, restructuring, reengineering. Reengineering tasks and lifecycle. Reverse and forward engineering. LIS design reengineering. Maintenance and legacy code improvements. Techniques to support program code understanding. Database reengineering. Logical database structure extraction from database repository. Data mining techniques to extract LIS information: database constraints, business rules and business processes. Conceptualization process. Architecture Driven Modernization (ADM). Technical ADM, application ADM, data ADM. ADM business architectures. ADM standards. Model-driven LIS reengineering. Challenges, concepts, drivers and strategies of LIS integration in the context of LIS reengineering.

Teaching methods:

Lectures; Tutorials (computer laboratory); Consultations; Individual work on required assignments; Students have to make and to defend an individual term paper. Students are encouraged to communicate, to participate in critical discussions; to work independently and to be actively involved in teaching process.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Favre, L. Model Driven Architecture for Reverse Engineering Technologies: Strategic Directions and System Evolution 2010 Engineering Science Reference, Hershey English
Tripathy P., Naik K. Software Evolution and Maintenance – a Practitioner’s Approach 2015 Wiley English
Fowler M. Refaktorisanje - poboljšanje dizajna postojećeg koda 2003 CET Serbian language
W. M. Ulrich, P. Newcomb Information Systems Transformation Architecture-driven Modernization 2010 Morgan Kaufman English
R. Valvedere, M. R. Talla Information Systems Reengineering for Modern Business Systems 2012 IGI Global English
Gnjatović, M., Stefanović, D. Izabrane teme iz bezbednosti i sigurnosti informacionih sistema 2018 Fakutet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
J. Fong Information Systems Reengineering and Integration 2006 Springer English
Crnkovic, Ivica Asklund, Ulf Implementing and integrating product data management and software configuration management 2003 Artech House English
S. W. Ambler, P. J. Sadalage Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design 2011 Addison-Wesley English
Avison, D., Fitzgerald, G. Information Systems Development : Methodologies, Techniques & Tools 2006 McGraw Hill Education, London English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 20.00
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prof. dr Ristić Sonja

Full Professor

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doc. dr Stefanović Miroslav

Assistant Professor

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Asistent Petrovački Jelena

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Asistent Antanasijević Dajana

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.