Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Information System Architecture and Computer Networks (17.IZ0055)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field
  • Inženjerstvo informacionih sistema
  • Information-Communication Systems

Introducing the students with the architecture of contemporary information systems. Students will understand contemporary communication systems, properties, tasks and application of communication protocols with emphasize on Internet technologies. Students will be trained to select appropriate communication infrastructure to support given information system.

Upon completing this course successfully, students will be able to: understand the principles of local area networks, inter-networking between different computer networks into coordinated system, and how applications can use the resulting communication system. They will gain knowledge about the architecture of protocol families; relationships between protocols on different levels within the same system of communication participants; and relationships between protocols on the same level but on different systems of communication participants. Students will understand work in regular conditions, they will be able to recognize and describe irregular states in the environments with directly connected systems, as well as in the environments with indirectly connected systems. They will understand architecture of integrated information system and value of information system integration.

Information system architecture. Distributed systems: hardware and software concepts. Architecture of communication systems protocol family (ISO and TCP/IP models, encapsulation). Connection between aplication level and communication system (network socket, socket API). Transport layer, issues and solutions (TCP and UDP). Network layer, issues and solutions (IP, IP addressing, public and private addressing, NAT and ICMP). DNS system service, name sets organization, parameter-name assignment/binding. Data link layer, issues and solutions (Ethernet, broadcast domain, ARP, VLAN, PPP). Routing fundamentals, dynamic routing. Interfaces towards physical layer, CSMA/CD, standard Ethernet interfaces.

Lectures; laboratory exercises; individual consultations; individual work (assignments and complex exercises). Students are encouraged to communicate, to reason critically, to work independently and to contribute actively to teaching process.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Parziale L., Britt T. D., Davis C., Forrester J., Liu W., Matthews C., Rosselot N. TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview 2006 IBM Redbooks English
Stallings W. Data & Computer Communications 2013 Pearson English
Comer D. E. Internetworking With TCP/IP, Vol I: Principals, Protocols and Architecture 2013 Pearson English
Chappell, L. Wireshark® Network Analysis 2012 Chappell University English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Complex exercises Yes Yes 40.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 20.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 10.00
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Asst. Prof. Stefanović Miroslav

Assistant Professor

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Prof. Ćulibrk Dubravko

Full Professor

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Assistant - Master Štaka Marko

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
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Assistant - Master Đorđević Sofija

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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