Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Entrepreneurial management (17.IMDR97)

Native organizations units: Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

The following are the objectives of the course of Entrepreneurial Management: 1) to acquire the basic knowledge in the field of entrepreneurial management in the modern business environment; 2) to introduce students with the basic determinants and forms of entrepreneurial management; 3) to acquire the basic knowledge and key skills of managing successfully both small and medium sized enterprises, as well as large industrial systems, and 4) to introduce students to management styles and modern managerial-entrepreneurial approaches in companies.

Educational outcome:

Students attending the course and passing the exam are able to: 1) create the preconditions for successful entrepreneurial management in the actual economic environment of both small and large organizations; 2) apply the determinants of entrepreneurial management in organizations; and 3) to implement modern management styles. This course provides students with competencies for managing and improving the organization towards innovating and creating new products and services.

Course content:

Introduction to entrepreneurial management; Forms of entrepreneurial management; Determinants of entrepreneurial management: focus on change, a focus on business opportunities and focus on the organization; Personal factors of managers-entrepreneurs; Managerial/entrepreneurial style of management; Application of styles management; Modern managerial-entrepreneurial approaches; Models and software of managerial/entrepreneurial governance.

Teaching methods:

The instruction is provided through lectures, theoretical subject matter with the required number of case studies, as well as through practical exercises aided by computers, consultation, and seminar papers – presentations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Bhargava S. Entrepreneurial Management 2013 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd English
Mitrović, S., i sar., Procena kompetencija značajnih za zapošljavanje mladih 2016 Univerzitet u Novom Sadu/Naučno društvo ekonomista Srbije Serbian language
Mitrović S. Preduzetnički menadžment - elektronska skripta 2016 Fakultet tehničkih nauka Serbian language
Subotic,M.,Maric,M., Mitrovic,S., Mesko, M. Differences Between Adaptors and Innovators in the Context of Entrepreneurial Potential Dimensions, Kybernetes ISSN: 0368-492X, Vol.47(7):1363-1377 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited English
Mitrovic, S., Borocki, J., Sokolovski, V., Nesic, A., Melovic, B. Potential of Young Entrepreneurs: Is There any Possibility of Their Development Though Education? 2013 The New Educational Review Serbian language
Grubić-Nešić L., Matić D., Mitrović S. The Influence of Demographic and Organizational Factors on Knowledge Sharing Among Employees in Organizations 2015 Tehnički Vjesnik = Technical Gazette English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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prof. dr Mitrović Veljković Slavica

Full Professor

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prof. dr Mitrović Veljković Slavica

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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