Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Entrepreneurship and organizational development (17.IMDR65)

Native organizations units: Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field
  • Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment
  • Industrijski marketing, preduzetništvo i inovacije

Acquiring the latest knowledge on key principles and the principles of entrepreneurship in innovative economy and the main characteristics of organizational development. Knowledge of the latest trends and key changes and concepts of organizational development and creating strategic plan of company development.

Necessary knowledge and skills of the students for independent and group research and further research work in this area. Acquiring the ability to work independently in the company and / or institutions to support innovative enterprises, understand the core technology development, types and importance of certain institutions to support high-tech entrepreneurship.

Basic concepts and trends in modern business - impact of changes; role of corporate entrepreneurship to achieve higher levels of innovative activity in the enterprise; impact on the level of enterprise, characteristics of an innovative economy, strategic planning and entrepreneurship; stages of organizational development, creation of strategic plan of enterprise development and its application in unstable conditions. Characteristics of high-tech entrepreneurship, "technopreneurship. Problems in organizational development and ways of their solving - organizational development pyramid.

Lectures. Consultation. Seminar paper. Examples from practice. Through the study research work, scientific journals and other literature student independently broadens the knowledge presented at lectures. Theoretical part of the subject-matter is followed by the examples due to clarify this part of the curriculum. In addition to working with the teacher, students are trained to write their own scientific and research articles.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Robbins, S.P. Organization theory - structure, design and applications 1987 Prentice-Hall International English
John Bessant, Joseph TiddI Innovation and entrepreneurship 2007 John Wiley and Sons English
Maksimović, R., Lalić, B. Flexibility and Complexity of Effective Enterprises 2008 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering English
Đaković, V., Anđelić, G., Borocki, J. Performance of extreme value theory in emerging markets: an empirical treatment 2010 African Journal of Business Management English
Davenport, T.H. Strategic Management in the Innovation Economy – Strategic Approaches and Tools for Dynamic Innovation Capabilities 2006 Publicis Corporate and Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Germany English
John S.Oakland Total organizational excellence – Achieving world-class performance 2001 Butterworth-Heinemann, Linnacre House, Oxford English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00

Prof. Borocki Jelena

Full Professor


Prof. Borocki Jelena

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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