Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Enterprise processes integration (17.IMDR62)

Native organizations units: Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment

The aim of this course is acquiring knowledge on different approaches to the integration of business functions in manufacturing and service companies. Mastering the procedures, methods and techniques of business process integration with the aim of business system management - business.

Gaining knowledge that will enable students to observe the company as a system of integrated business processes. Understanding the core functions of integration and needs of the company. Acquiring knowledge of automated systems to manage business and production processes in business system - company.

3. Course content/structure: Enterprise organization and management in the terms of integrated business processes within the company. IIS access to the integration of company`s functions. ERP concept of Integrated Business Management. LEAN concept of company integration. Business Process Management - BPM approach to business process integration. Case studies (SAP, ORACLE, BAAN).

Compulsory number of lectures with examples from the above approach. Consultations are held regularly during and after the lectures. Seminar paper written on the basis of required reading and at least three papers published in journals from the SCI list. Through the study research work, seminar paper, scientific journals and other literature student deepens the knowledge acquired at the lectures. Application of obtained knowledge on writing scientific paper.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Bell, S. Lean enterprise systems 2005 Wiley-Interscience English
Dickersbach, J., Keller, G. Production Planning and Control with SAP ERP 2013 Gallileo Press, Boston English
Vom Brocke, J., Rosemann, M. Handbook of Business Process Management 2010 Springer English
Ćosić, I., i dr. Analysis of company development factors in manufacturing and service company 2010 Strojniski vestnik= Journal of Mechanical Engineering English
Tešić, Z., Mitrović, V., Ćosić,I., Lalić,D. Integration of information for manufacturing shop control 2010 Strojniski vestnik= Journal of Mechanical Engineering English
Laudon, K., Laudon, J. Essentials of Management Information Systems 2010 Pearson Education-Prentice Hall English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Term paper Yes Yes 50.00
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Assoc. Prof. Tasić Nemanja

Associate Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Tasić Nemanja

Associate Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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