Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Effective systems for production and services (17.IMDR31)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field
  • Tehnološki menadžment
  • Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment

The goal of the course is to enable students to understand the latest approaches in the development of production and service technologies, the structure of production and service systems, their organization and management in accordance with their prior knowledge and interests, as well as to introduce research work in this particular field of study.

The outcome of the subject is the knowledge and student`s ability to understand the issues of effective production and service systems and engage in research work in this field.

- Changes in the manufacturing and service systems. - Contributions in development of production and service systems: CIM, Lean production, effective production systems. - The principles in the development of production and service systems. - Characteristics of production and service systems. - Development of effective structures of production and service systems. - Grouping on the basis of the classification system. - Grouping based on similarity of procedures. - The spatial structure and location system. - Automation of processes of designing the structure of effective production and service systems. - Simulation of production and service systems. - Organization technology of effective production and service systems.

Lectures: (Mentor and student select one or more modules depending on their volume). Consultation. Lectures are conducted in combination. Presentation of theoretical part is followed by the examples that clarify the theoretical part of the curriculum. In addition to lectures, consultations are held regularly. Through the study research work, scientific journals and other literature student independently broadens the knowledge presented at lectures. In addition to working with the teacher, students are trained to write their own scientific and research articles.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Beker, I., Morača, S., Lazarević, M., Šević, D., Tešić, Z., Rikalović, A., Radlovački, V. LEAN sistem 2017 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad English
Sormaz, D., Arumugam, J., Ganduri, C Process Planning and Scheduling for Distributed Manufacturing 2007 Springer English
Burbidge, J.L. Production Flow Analysis 1989 Clarendon Press, Oxford English
Kay, J., Surresh, A. Group Technology & Cellular Management - A state of-The-Art Synthesis of Research & Practice 1998 Cluwer Pres, Buffalo - New York English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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Foreign Language Teacher - Senior Lecturer Ćosić Ilija

Full Professor

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Prof. Simeunović Nenad

Full Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Sremčev Nemanja

Associate Professor

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Foreign Language Teacher - Senior Lecturer Ćosić Ilija

Full Professor

Study research work
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Prof. Simeunović Nenad

Full Professor

Study research work
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Assoc. Prof. Sremčev Nemanja

Associate Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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