Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation (17.IM1217)

Native organizations units: Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Chair of Production Systems, Organization and Management
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field
  • Menadžment i investicije u inženjerstvu
  • Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment

The overall objective of the subject is to bring together in one place the knowledge necessary to start an entrepreneurial venture and to integrate previously acquired knowledge in the form of an algorithm how to get idea to market. In this sense, the goal of the course is to develop students' ability to: (1) generate and collect ideas, (2) analyse market, (3) estimate the necessary knowledge and associates (4) how to develop and protect ideas (5) provide finance, (6) create a marketing strategy, and (7) market performance. The subject aims to help understand the entrepreneurial mindset and behavior through a holistic approach. This subject has focus on the initiation and development of a new entrepreneurial venture.

Students will be able to: (1) use a variety of techniques to generate and collect ideas, (2) analyze the market segment of interest and identify possible market niches (3) estimate a set of necessary knowledge and on the basis of forming an entrepreneurial team, (4) to plan and participate in the development of ideas and their protection through intellectual property rights, (5) to identify and approach potential sources of finance, (6) to develop marketing strategy and market presence.

Entrepreneurship development: various programs, institutions and methodologies. Externally and internally developing entrepreneurial venture. The influence of the characteristics of the region / state in the development of entrepreneurship. Where to start an entrepreneurial venture? Where is the problem? Where do ideas come from? Who are the potential buyers, and why? Who are the competitors and how they will become? What I need to know, and who knows? How to create team? Relationships: the idea, model, prototype, product. How to protect an idea / product / market performance in the initial stages of SME. Various programs of entrepreneurship. From where and how to look for financial support? How to approach customers? Able to adapt to changing demands of SME customers. How to win the market?

Lectures, seminars, group discussions, information search, reading of scientific literature, and preparation and delivery of presentations. Lectures combine theory with practical examples that are the basis for discussion. Lectures partly implemented guest speakers - mostly entrepreneurs who have developed their own business. In the exercises, the work will be done in groups or individually. Part of the curriculum will require research in the field - interviews with potential users, visits to banks, as well as exploring potentials of international entrepreneurial exchange programs, etc.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Eric Ries The Lean Startup 2011 Crown Publishing Group English
Magnus Klofsten The Business Platform – Entrepreneurship and management in the early stages of a firms development 2010 Technology Innovation International, Luxembourg English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
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Prof. Radišić Mladen

Full Professor


Prof. Ivanišević Andrea

Full Professor

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Prof. Radišić Mladen

Full Professor

Practical classes

Prof. Ivanišević Andrea

Full Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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