Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Business networks (17.IM1126)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment

The objective of the course is to make students familiar with key concepts, technologies and perspectives that are characterized for modern business environments, integration of production and service processes through enterprise networking and the functioning of business networks. Student acquires the necessary competencies for designing a modern business environment in which innovation, development, production or service cycles are effectively and efficiently realized in a large number of mutually networked enterprises and organizations.

After completing the course, students will be trained to identify, analyze and/or create different types of business networks, such as business associations, value networks, innovation laboratories, industrial clusters, consortia, etc. Through acquaintance with development trends and training for the application of modern tools and technologies, they will be able to participate in the following processes: the application of agile methodologies and project approach, the establishment of a system of production or services, the establishment of supply chains and distribution channels within business network frameworks.

The concept and importance of business networks; The basic classification and method of operations Business networks as business associations; Business networks as company aggregations; Knowledge networks; Value networks; Supply Chain Management; Distribution Channel Management; Managing Cooperations and Networks; Models of business networking; Business Networks as project organizations; Management of international networks; Agile production and business networks / Agile Manufacturing and b; Strategic Aspects of business networks

The lectures method includes multimedia lectures and computer simulated exercises. Fundamental models and theoretical approach will be shown on lectures and concrete examples on exercises will be complementary to the provided content on lectures. Exercises held on computers will be interactive with use of modeling tools. Teaching methods will be directed towards active involvement of students having minimum 40% of the time spent in this way.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Alllee, V., Schwabe O. Value Networks and True Nature of Collaboration 2015 Meghan Kiffer Press English
Fischer,T. Gebauer, H. and Fleisch, E. Service Business Development - Strategies for Value Creation in Manufacturing Firms 2012 Cambridge University Press English
Thilenius, F., Pahlberg, C., Havila, V. Extending the Business Network Approach - New Territories, New Technologies, New Terms 2016 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. London English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Coloquium exam No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 10.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00

Prof. Morača Slobodan

Full Professor

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Asistent sa doktoratom Fajsi Angela

Assistant with PhD

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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