Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Work Study and Ergonomics (17.IM1116)

Native organizations units: Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Chair of Production Systems, Organization and Management
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Proizvodni i uslužni sistemi, organizacija i menadžment

The aim of the course is to introduce students into modern methods of measurement and study of work, which are used in the work process improvement.

Students will gain knowledge for work process improvement implementation, identifying and defining the problem, through data collection, analysis, and taking measures for improvement.

Introduction to the work study, basic concepts definition: the process of work, case work, working system, work process participants. Work process structure, the division of labor. Work time structure. Determining the time by recording, instantaneous method of recording, feedback method of recording. Standard time predefined systems, MTM (Methods Time Measurement) system. Working process improvement, Kaizen approach. Methods for extracting and displaying information about the processes and operations. Methods for the work processes analysis, flow process diagram, Ishikawa diagram, ABC chart. Methods for the analysis of time efficiency in the workplace, current methods of observation. Ergonomic design for work. Physiological work conditions. Psycho-sociological conditions at work. Working environments conditions, lighting, noise, micro-climate, color. Anthropometric conditions at work. 5S steps for decorating workplace by Kaizen. Rational principles of operation.

Lectures will be organized by thematic units from the theoretical basis with the presentation of examples. Specific tasks and examples of subject areas will be processed on the exercises, certain methods of work process improvement will be treated in detail, with the involvement of students in independent tasks and thereby the emphasis will be on teamwork.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Freivalds, A., Niebel, B. W. Niebels Methods, Standards, and Work Design 2009 McGraw-Hill Higher Education English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
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Prof. Simeunović Nenad

Full Professor


Assistant - Master Penčić Marko

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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