Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Hardware elements in information systems (17.IISD19)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Information-Communication Systems
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

The aim of the course is to acquire advanced knowledge related to hardware elements of information systems and enable students to develop the optimal hardware requirements for the information system work.

Educational outcome:

Learning outcomes are the knowledge and skills of students in independent and team scientific and research work in the area of hardware elements of information systems. Students gain knowledge of open problems related to hardware elements of information systems. In addition, they gain the knowledge about hardware resources of information system, their characteristics, performances and interoperability.

Course content:

IT Infrastructure. Defining IT Infrastructure. Evolution of IT Infrastructure. Technology Drivers of Infrastructure Evolution. Infrastructure Components. Computer Hardware Platforms. Operating System Platforms. Enterprise Applications. Data Management and Storage. Networking/Telecommunications Platforms. Networking and Communication Trends. Internet Platforms. Key Digital Networking Technologies. Communications Networks. Signals: Digital vs. Analog. Types of Networks. Physical Transmission Media. The Global Internet. Consulting and System Integration Services. Contemporary Hardware Platform Trends. The Emerging Mobile Digital Platform. Grid Computing. Virtualization. Cloud Computing. Multimedia platforms. Green Computing. Autonomic Computing. Cellular Systems. Wireless Computer Networks and Internet Access. RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks. IoT. Custom devices.

Teaching methods:

Lectures are conducted in a combined way. Leacturing of the theoretical part is followed by examples which serve to clarify the theoretical part of the curriculum. In addition to the lectures, consultations are held regularly. Through study research student, studying scientific journals and other literature, independently deepens the subject. In addition to working with the student teacher is trained to write his own scientific work in the chosen field.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Morris, Kief Infrastructure as code: managing servers in the cloud 2016 O'Reilly Media, Inc. English
Tanenbaum, Andrew S., and Herbert Bos Modern operating systems 2015 Pearson English
Nisan N., Schocken S. The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles 2008 MIT press English
Keramidas, Georgios, Nikolaos Voros, and Michael Hübner Components and Services for IoT Platforms 2016 Springer English
Valacich J., Schneider C. Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World 2017 Pearson Serbian language
Erl, T., Puttini, R. Cloud Computing Concepts, Technology & Architecture 2013 Prentice Hall, New York English
Yang, Kun Wireless sensor networks 2014 Springer English
Davie, Bruce S., and Larry L. Peterson Computer networks 2019 Morgan Kaufman English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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prof. dr Sladojević Srđan

Full Professor

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prof. dr Sladojević Srđan

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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