Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Critical Infrastructure and Industrial System Security (19.IB27)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Primenjeno softversko inženjerstvo

The goal of this course is to master advanced threats and security controls used for protecting infrastructure and industrial systems. Analysis of real attacks against infrastructure systems. Familiarize with various industrial protocols and the techniques used for securing them. Learn about the relevant standards in infrastructure system protection. Develop advanced solutions for authentication and access control. Develop an information security architecture and a security plan.

Familiarity with the details of well-known attacks agains infrastructure systems. Capability to develop an information security architecture and implement adequate security controls. Familiarity with the relevant infrastructure protection and industrial system security standards. Capability to develop distributed information systems and apply advanced authentication and access control techniques. Capability to secure communication channels.

Detailed review and analysis of the Stuxnet attack on nuclear facilities. Detailed review and analysis of the cyber attacks against distribution systems in the Ukraine. Detailed review and analysis of other attack agains infrastructure systems. Discussion of relevant information security standards. Secure industrial communication protokol. Threat modeling in infrastructure systems. Information security architecture.

Lectures; Other types of teaching; Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
George Loukas Cyber-Physical Attacks: A Growing Invisible Threat 2015 Butterworth-Heinemann English
Clint Bodungen, Bryan Singer, Aaron Shbeeb, Kyle Wilhoit, Stephen Hilt Hacking Exposed Industrial Control Systems: ICS and SCADA Security Secrets & Solutions 2016 McGraw-Hill Education English
Robert S. Radvanovsky, Allan McDougall Critical Infrastructure: Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness 2013 CRC Press English
Scott Donaldson, Stanley Siegel, Chris K. Williams, Abdul Aslam Enterprise Cybersecurity: How to Build a Successful Cyberdefense Program Against Advanced Threats 2015 Apress English
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan Securing Cyber-Physical Systems 2015 CRC Press English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 20.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
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Assoc. Prof. Lendak Imre

Associate Professor

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Assistant - Master Milović Zorana

Assistant - Master

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Faculty of Technical Sciences

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