Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Cloud Security (19.IB26)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Primenjeno softversko inženjerstvo
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

The goal of this course is to transfer knowledge about the latest information security challenges arising in systems which are partially or fully migrated to the cloud, with a special emphasis on the specific problems brought forward by the incorporation of cloud-based solutions in infrastructure systems. Analysis of data and service security in the computing cloud. Analysis of the relevant legislative framework and standards. Discussion of the functions and activities carried out by the organizations involved in the domain of cloud-based system security development.

Educational outcome:

Student are familiar with the information security-related differences beteween traditional and cloud-based information systems. Capability to perform threat modeling in a cloud environment. Gaining the necessary knowledge to develop an information security architecture for cloud-based systems. Capability to choose and implement adequate security controls in cloud data and application security. Familiarity with relevant organizations, standards and specifications in the field of cloud computing. Knowledge of the legislative framework regulating the activities of entities in cloud computing systems, e.g. cloud service providers. Capability to implement advanced operations management techniqes in the the computing cloud.

Course content:

Basic concepts and information security architecture of cloud-based systems. Protection of cloud data centers. Platform and infrastructure. Cloud data and application security. Operations management in the cloud. Security as a service (SecaaS). International legislative framework and the regulation of privacy and security in cloud-based systems. Relevant organizations, standards and specifications in cloud computing.

Teaching methods:

Lectures; Other types of teaching; Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Илија Башичевић, Мирослав Поповић, Владимир Ковачевић Основе рачунарских мрежа 1 2017 Нови Сад : Факултет техничких наука Serbian language
Гордана Милосављевић Развој пословних информационих система вођен моделима 2015 Нови Сад : Факултет техничких наука Serbian language
Krutz R.L. & Vines R.D. Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing 2010 Wiley English
Растислав Струхарик Пројектовање сложених дигиталних система : рачунарске вежбе 2017 Нови Сад : Факултет техничких наука Serbian language
Мирослав Хајдуковић Оперативни системи (проблеми и структура) 2013 Нови Сад : Факултет техничких наука Serbian language
Beyer B., Jones C., Petoff J. and Murphy N.R. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) 2016 OReilly English
Живко Бојовић, Јелена Шух, Емил Шећеров Рачунарске мреже засноване на Интернет протоколу : практикум за лабораторијске вежбе 2017 Нови Сад : Факултет техничких наука Serbian language
Samani R. & Reavis J. CSA Guide to Cloud Computing: Implementing Cloud Privacy and Security 2014 Syngress English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 20.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 20.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00

Asistent Petrović Nikola

Assistant - Master

DON - drugi oblici nastave
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vanr. prof. dr Selakov Aleksandar

Associate Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Lendak Imre

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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