Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Bacherol Thesis (17.IAZR01)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Design
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

Application of basic, acquired knowledge and methods in solving specific problems within the chosen field. The student studies the problem, its structure and complexity, and based on the conducted analysis makes conclusions about possible ways of solving it. By studying the literature, the student is introduced to the methods of solving similar problems and to the practice in solving them. Acquiring knowledge about the way, structure and form of report-writing, after conducting analysis and other activities carried out within the given Bachelor Thesis topic. By writing the Bachelor Thesis, students gain experience in paper writing which requires problem description, methodology and procedures, and obtained results. Besides, the objective of writing and defending the Bachelor Thesis is to develop student ability to prepare and publically present results of their independent work in the adequate form, as well as to answer the objections and questions related to the given topic.

Educational outcome:

Enabling students to independently apply previously acquired knowledge from different fields which they previously studied, in order to perceive the structure of the given problem and its systematical analysis with an objective to make conclusions about possible ways of solving it. Through independent use of literature, students deepen knowledge in the chosen field and study different methods and papers related to the similar problems. By independent studying and solving problems from the given topic field, students acquire knowledge about complexity of the problem in the field of their profession. By writing the Bachelor Thesis, students gain certain experience which can be applied in practice during solving problems in the field of their professionBy writing the Bachelor Thesis, students gain certain experience which can be applied in practice during solving problems in the field of their profession. By preparing results for the public defense,

Course content:

It is formed individually in accordance with the needs and the field covered by the Bachelor Thesis topic. The student writes Bachelor Thesis in the written form in agreement with the mentor and in accordance with the standards of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The student prepares and defends the Bachelor Thesis publically in agreement with the mentor and in accordance with the standards. The student studies professional literature, professional and Bachelor thesis of the students dealing with similar topics, and conducts analysis with an objective to find out the solution to the specific problem defined in the Bachelor Thesis.

Teaching methods:

Bachelor Thesis mentor sets the Bachelor Thesis problem and gives it to the student. The student is obliged to write the Bachelor Thesis within the given topic defined by the Bachelor Thesis problem. During writing the Bachelor Thesis, mentor can give additional instructions to the student, suggest certain literature and additionally guide him with an objective to create a quality Bachelor Thesis. Within the theoretical part of the Bachelor Thesis, the student has consultations with the mentor, and with other professors dealing with problems in the field of the Bachelor Thesis topic, if needed. Within the given topic, the student executes certain measurements, testing, counting, questionnaires and other research, if necessary. The student writes the Bachelor Thesis and gives the bounded examples to the board after gaining consent from the board for assessment and defense. Defense of the Bachelor Thesis is public and the student is obliged to orally answer the questions and objections after the presentation.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Razni autori radovi sa međunarodnih konferencija i iz časopis 2018 razni English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Term paper Yes Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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