Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Perspective (17.IA003)

Native organizations units: Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chair of Animation in Engineering
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Design
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

The development of spatial visualization skills, spatial imagination and three-dimensional graphic representation (3D) space in a central perspective image (CP) and understanding the spatial relationships with CP.

Educational outcome:

Ability of detection, interpretation and presentation of spatial relationships and properties of complex geometric shapes and their geometric structure of a perspective image. Understanding the relationships and connections between space and CP.

Course content:

Perception and understanding of space. Pattern recognition. Depth cues in the image. Interpretation of the theory of spatial relations. Development of perspective. Characteristics and causes of perspective theories depending on the historical circumstances and the leading art and research trends. Space and images. Abstraction. Linear, multicentar perspective projection and panoramas. CP ambiguity. Planar and spatial illusion. Perspective on photography. Structure, optical center position, deformation. CP restitution. Application - Analysis of paintings, virtual reconstruction and the insertion of 3D models of the CP. Geometry. Navigation and modeling based on multiple CP. Three-dimensional images. The spatial visualization of geometric objects in CP. The central projection of basic geometric forms (points, lines, plane). Image elements for the direct detection of metric properties. The criteria for the direct detection of spatial relationships of objects. The concepts of visibility. Application to more complex forms and visualization of complex 3D geometric structure in CP. Viewing angle and setting of CP parametars. Analysis of the structures applicable to engineering animation. The visual realism of the PS. Shadows. Mirrors. Central and parallel lighting. The interpretation of light in PS. The characteristic elements of light rays for direct determination of shadows in PS. The images in horizontal, vertical and diagonal mirrors.

Teaching methods:

Lectures and auditory exercises. Consultation.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
K. Andersen The Geometry of an Art The History of the Mathematical Theory of Perspective from Alberti to Monge 2007 Springer English
W. Irvins Art & Geometry, A Study in Space Intuitions 1946 Dover Publications, Inc. New York English
Anagnosti, P. Perspektiva 1967 Naučna knjiga Beograd Serbian language
S. Aguilera A New Perspective - Photography & Filmmaking Edition 2008 English
Štulić, R. Perspektiva : vizuelizacija 3D prostora iz perspektivnih slika 2006 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
R. Zone Stereoscopic Cinema and the Origins of 3-D Film 2007 English
A. Perez-Gomez i L. Pelletier Architectural Representation and the Perspective Hinge 1999 MIT English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 10.00
Practical part of the exam - tasks No Yes 50.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00

prof. dr Stojaković Vesna

Full Professor


Istraživač pripravnik Tomić Aleksandra

Intern Researcher

Practical classes

doc. dr Nikolić Dimitrije

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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