Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Study-Research Work on the Master Thesis Theoretical Framework (17.HSIR01)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Mehatronika, robotika i automatizacija i integrisani sistemi
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

The application of basic, theoretical, methodological, scientific-professional and professional-applicative knowledge and methods in solving specific problems within the chosen field. Within this part of the work on the master thesis, the student studies the problem, its structure and complexity draws conclusions on possible solutions based on the carried out analysis. By studying the literature the student becomes familiar with the methods used in solving similar problems and the engineering practice of these solutions. The goal of the student`s activity whithin this part of research is to acquire the sufficient experience by solving complex problems and tasks and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in the engineering practice.

Educational outcome:

Students are able to independently apply the previously acquired knowledge in the fields that they had previously studied, and understand the structure of the chosen problem. Students conduct a systematic analysis of the problem and draw conclusion about the possible solutions. By the independent use of professional literature, students widen their knowledge in the chosen field and study different methods and scientific papers related to the topic. In that way, students develop the ability to do analysis and identify problems within the given topic. The practical application of the acquired knowledge in different fields enables the student to develop the ability to understand the position and role of an engineer in the chosen field, and the necessity of cooperation with other professionals and team work.

Course content:

The course structure is formed individually according to the needs of a specific master thesis, its complexity and structure. The student studies professional literature, graduation and master thesis of students who have previously done work on a similar topic, does analysis in order to find solutions to a specific problem defined by the thesis. A part of the course is done through individual study-research work. The study involves the active study of the primary literature and discoveries on the topic, the organization and realization of experiments, numerical simulation, statistical processing of data, writing and/or presenting a scientific essay at a conference in the specific scientific field of the master thesis.

Teaching methods:

The mentor of the master thesis defines and writes the task for the thesis and hands it to the student. The student is oblidged to write the thesis within the given topic which is defined by the master thesis task by using professional literature suggested by the mentor. While working on the thesis, the mentor can give additional instructions to the student, direct them to specific literature and advise him in order to enhance the quality of the master thesis. Within the study-research work, the student consults with the mentor, and, if necessary, with other professors teaching the subjects related to the master thesis topic. Within the given topic, the student conducts measurements, research, counting, surveys, statistical processing of data, if defined by the task of the master thesis.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
grupa autora časopisi, diplomski i master radovi sve Serbian language
grupa autora časopisi sa Kobson liste sve English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.